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J'ai un Helix avec forfait de 400mpbs depuis plusieurs années. Depuis quelques mois, on a un problème intermittent à accéder à des pages web ou à ouvrir des app. Mais une fois que la page commence à télécharger ou que l'app est ouverte ou que le film est commencé, il n'y a jamais d’interruption. Le problème est seulement pour commencer quelque chose. Comme si un firewall se posait la question pendant 10 secondes à chaque fois avant de nous laisser faire ou pas. Ookla Speedtest me donne toujours toujours toujours 450mbps download et 55mpbs upload. Mais le problème est là quand même. Voici des certitudes qu'on a testé: Le problème est indépendant de l'appareil (on a iphone(2), ipad(2), Windows(1), Mac(1), Apple TV(2)) Il est indépendant de l'endroit dans la maison. Indépendant du browser (safari, edge chrome) Indépendant du search engine (bing, google) Aucun nouvel appareil n'est arrivé dans notre maison depuis que le problème a commencé. On fait un reboot du helix et ça change rien Si je me branche sur mon cell Rogers 5G en hot stop, il n'y a jamais ce problème Au chalet, avec l'internet Cogeco, il n'y a jamais ce problème. Le problème est donc avec Vidéotron. On a éliminé toutes les autres causes. Le gars de Vidéotron m'a dit d'enlever "Advanced Security" dans l'app Helix mais ça ne règle pas le problème. Des idées ???pcloutiermoi03-25-2025Initiate35Vues0like2CommentairesGeolocalisation “hors quebec”
Bonjour, J’habite à Gatineau, mais vraiment proche d’Ottawa. Dans le sens que, Je sors de chez moi, traverse un pont et je suis à Ottawa. Ça semble me causer des problemes lorsque j’essaie d’ecouter des chaines du Quebec (par exemple le hockey à Rds ou TVA sports avec mes données de telephone. Donc, quand je me suis pas sur mon wifi. Par exemple, à un café juste à côté, ou durant mes pauses au travail. La diffusion est bloquée parce que l’on dit que je ne peux ecouter du contenu “hors Quebec” auriez-vous une solution à proposer? mercikugelblitz03-24-2025Initiate3Vues0like1CommentaireCustom subnet
Hello, I was trying to setup my second router to be part of the same network as my Helix Router but when I tried entering the subnet, it does not let me. I can only choose either or which does not work for me. Is there a way I can choose my own subnet mask? Via SSH or telnet maybe? ThanksBougePasJteTue03-23-2025Initiate4Vues0like0Commentairewifi connection with roku
Hello, I can get my Roku TV set up and working on Videotron data using my cellphone as a hotspot, so I know the Roku television works, but it will not connect to my Videotron wireless network (helix). The Roku detects our wireless network but will not connect. We have done all the resets etc.. the connection is not happening to the Videotron wifi (Helix). Why is this?aekurz03-23-2025Initiate1,8 kVues0like1CommentaireHow do you keep your precious voicemail messages?
If you’re like me, you’ve had voicemail messages from your loved ones saved in your mobile or home phone voicemail for some time. Unfortunately, voicemail is not like a safe, and sometimes these messages are deleted. If you want to protect your precious messages, there are solutions. I used a microphone connected to my computer and the Audacity app. I played the saved messages from my phone near the microphone to record them, then converted them into MP3 files that are now safe in my computer and its automatic backups. You can also do the same thing using two cell phones and an audio recording app, such as Smart Recorder or Recforge 2 on Android and Recorder Plus or Audioshare on iOS. Don’t dawdle too much and make these backups early this year to make sure you keep important messages from your loved ones! As for yourself, have you found another solution to keep your important voicemail messages?ExpertConseil03-22-2025Rédacteur Web13 kVues2likes9CommentairesForwarding ports in Helix Fi app not actually forwarding them
Hello, I've used my Helix Fi app to forward ports. For some reason, some ports do open and others don't. I.e. on the same device, I have 9443 open (and showing as such on various online tools) but then 443, 80, 82 and 8221 are marked as open by Helix Fi, but the same online tools are showing them as closed. Any reason why? I've looked online and haven't seen a mention of Vidéotron blocking those specific ports. Thank youDroppisalt03-20-2025Initiate386Vues0like1Commentaireoverall data usage
VT used to have a link detailing internet usage per day . Any idea where that link is hidden now?131503-16-2025Initiate1 kVues0like1CommentaireHome telephone via Helix box
The customer service people keep pushing me to switch to the Helix service. Are there any updates on supporting the home phone via the Helix box, or will I still need a separate modem for that? And how is the pricing arranged? I currently have discounts for combined subscriptions to internet, phone and TV.Résoluvlfiausv03-14-2025Initiate15Vues0like1CommentaireCan I manually change DNS configuration on Helix?
Hello, I am looking to manually configure the DNS settings on my Helix router, but this seems to NOT be an option. This is to improve my home network security to point at Canadian Shield DNS servers. Will Videotron provide users with this ability, or will in be forced to find an ISP that allows this? Kindest regards, TheMacAllynTheMacAllyn03-11-2025Initiate5,4 kVues0like11Commentairescannot access bing.com
Very peculiar problem. 90% of the time I cannot access bing.com via videotron's internet. Happens on all devices. If I switch my cell phone to use it's telus network instead of my wi-fi, all works fine. The funny thing is that sometimes I can access bing.com using edge when at the same time I cannot access it using chrome (when on wifi) at other times it only works the other way around. Short time after that, I can't access it anywhere. And then it starts working again. Again, this strange behavior is on all my devices, including my cell phone when running on videotron's wifiMarcinRak03-10-2025Chevalier1,1 kVues1like3CommentairesHelix fi 2 gateway disconnecting periodically
Hi, I've noticed that every now and then my connection gets interrupted, and when I look at my Helix Fi 2 Gateway router I see it flashing either green or orange. It doesn't take too long for the connection to come back but it's extremely frustrating when I'm working on zoom or playing an online game. I've read that this means downstream or upstream synchronization or even firmware update. I'm wondering if there is a setting on the Helix fi 2 gateway to pause these events or a setting to schedule them to happen at specific times ex. between 4-7AM? Any answer would be greatly appreciated, thanks!sparaminpied03-10-2025Initiate18 kVues1like10CommentairesBlocked ports on Helix
I was surprised when I started looking at my firewall logs and doing test myself that it now seems that Helix is letting through some tcp & udp ports that were previously blocked in the past. Can someone from Videotron check if someone removed an ACL on your side? For example, I'm seeing that ports 80 & 443 are open now as from what I read here they should be blocked: https://forum.videotron.com/t5/internet-telephony/business-internet-port-block/td-p/22929#:~:text=Here%20are%20the%20ports%20that,)%2C%204444%20(BLASTER). Thanksmzac03-07-2025Squire2 kVues0like1CommentaireHow can I change the DNS servers used on my Helix Fi?
Morning, I was wondering how I could change the primary and secondary DNS servers on my Helix Fi via the web gateway ( Currently when I go to (Gateway > Connection > Videotron Network) I can see the two DNS servers used, but I cannot edit them.RésoluMarcinRak03-06-2025Chevalier4 kVues1like7CommentairesMuch faster upload speeds
The fact it is 2021 and Videotron is still capping upload speeds at 50 MBPS is mind boggling to say the least. Bell is offering Gigabit down and up connections for similar pricing. I am loyal to videotron but as I work from home more and more (COVID) I need much faster upload speeds. Sadly if things don't improve I will be forced to go to Bell for my internet services.Résolupare_john03-01-2025Initiate7,1 kVues4likes3CommentairesAdresse IP
Je dois brancher une téléscope intelligent sur mon réseau wifi, cependant, il gère mal les adresses IP 10.x.x.x J'aurais donc besoin de lui assigner une adresse du range 192.168.x.x Je n'y arrive pas avec mon Gateway Helix, un appel au service technique n'a pas aidé. Est-ce que la seule solution est de me procurer un nouveau router qui gère ce range d'adresses? Si oui, fois en mode bridge est-ce que la tv fonctionnera toujours, doit-elle être reconfigurée? MerciRésoluFlower02-26-2025Initiate72Vues0like1Commentaire
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