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I can't access my Customer Centre
Every time I try to access the Videotron customer center I get this message.allanbarcelos02-26-2025Initiate24Vues0like1Commentaireplans
the plans online have been the same for quiet some time, i no longer see the amazing plans like i used to, for example for 61$ i hve the 16 GB and my other line the 55$ for 9 GB my parents and brother wants to change but plans have no changedgeorgezarif02-25-2025Initiate2,7 kVues0like2CommentairesProblems with my IP address
Hi there. I’ve been trying for several months now to open network settings in the browser. Before it worked fine, but it seems that my browser is not able to reach my public IP anymore. The browser tries to load it for a minute and gives an error. I also encountered problems with running servers on my PC. I tried to solve this problem for like a month or so and couldn't find any information about that. I have literally checked everything available on the internet with no results. I appreciate any help from you.VitaliiKindra12-28-2024Initiate46Vues0like1CommentaireThe Videotron forum is getting a makeover!
Find out what’s in store for you. Dear Member, Good news! The platform powering the Community forum and our blog will be upgraded on December 9, 2024. You’ll get an improved experience for discussing your Videotron products with your peers and our experts: Easier, faster searching More user-friendly interface More attractive, better organized content creation Enhanced mobile functionality Improved accessibility Important The forum and blog will be unavailable for the duration of the upgrade, on December 9, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. We’ll send you an email inviting you to check out the new platform when the upgrade is complete. Stay tuned!SamuelPB11-29-2024Community Manager138Vues0like0CommentaireMutli-recodred
Hi there, We have two Illico 8642HD recorders - one in the basement and one in the living room. We used to be able to see the recordings on the living room recorder through the basement one. This morning I cannot see the recordings on the other recorder. Is that a change made by Videotron or did I lose a config. If so how to get it back? ThxLehj1611-22-2024Officer199Vues0like0CommentaireConfigurer Thunderbird Ubuntu pour toujours downloader les courriels de mon Webmail Videotron?
Bonjour, j'ai vu des instructions sur Vidéotron et sur le net qu'il faut que le serveur entrant soit un pop.videotron.ca et port 995, mais il n'est pas indiqué quoi faire ensuite pour les répertoires sur le local qui vont recevoir tous les courriels de mes 2 comptes Webmail. Mon Thunderbird est déja configuré pour de la réception IMAP de ces 2 comptes Webmail. Qui doit/va définir les répertoires sur le local pour mes 2 comptes de courriels? Qui doit/va faire la relation entre les répertoires local et tous les répertoires dans chacun de mes comptes courriels VIdéotron? Est-ce que Thunderbird va automatiquement tout chercher à la prochaine connection ou je dois exécuter une action/commande?RésoluBrowser-ice10-14-2024Chevalier384Vues0like3CommentairesCan I see all my Videotron email accounts under one account like Microsoft Outlook?
I have four email accounts with Videotron for the family and I would like for all four to be accessible through one account instead of looking at each email account individually. Is this possible?bearetdiane10-11-2024Disciple484Vues0like1CommentaireComment editer le titre de posts qu'on a fait dans le forum?
J'ai comme habitude d'aller editer mes posts de forum sur n'importe quel site quand j'ai trouve une reponse. Example, ajouter [ANSWERED] ou [RESOLVED] dans le titre, au tout debut. Mais je ne trouve pas d'option pour editer un post. Ou plutot, j'ai un post qui affiche comme de quoi il a ete edite, mais ne me donne pas l'option de le refaire. La premiere edition etait pour corriger des fautes de frappe. La deuxieme pour changer le titre. On peut editer un post mais seulement une fois ou il y a des conditions speciales?Browser-ice10-03-2024Chevalier499Vues0like1CommentaireHelix gateway doesn't have Ipv6 address
Hello, I was told that ipv6 is supported, but seems only 6to4 works. My helix gateway doesn't have real Ipv6 address, there is Ipv6 gateway, but my device cannot get ipv6. Videotron can you guys please help to check? Best regardsjsong_zh09-22-2024Initiate1,4 kVues0like1CommentaireUser Center App Logging Me Out Constantly
Recently, my app has not been keeping me logged in. It seems others have been having this issue as well. I tried re-installing the app but that doesn’t work. I think Videotron needs to push an update to fix this issue.Rshukrun03-26-2024Initiate1,4 kVues0like1CommentaireHow good is Vidéotron Mobile recently?
I read reviews from between 2 to 4 years old and people only have negative things to say. Such as: horrible coverage outside Ottawa, liars, horrible customer service and frequent surprise charges. Now, we've had a switch for half the family but they messed up porting the numbers so none of their phones work as of yet. The customer service (which is apparently useless) told us that the lines would be up and running by this morning (yet another lie). So I'd like to receive your experiences with this mobile device carrier. Thanks!vivekkulal03-20-2024Initiate5,6 kVues0like3CommentairesPersonal account and Helix account are not recognized but internet works
Can't log in to either account, they are not identified by Videotron as existing. This began at least a month ago. Otherwise, the service is working fine: internet is ok and all services are working. Would like to check my account status to see if there could be situations that need investigating: adding features, checking prices or adjusting features: the normal business relationship of consumer with supplier.r615601-07-2024Initiate2,1 kVues0like1Commentaire
- Customer Centre8 Publications
- Helix4 Publications
- illico2 Publications
- Security2 Publications
- account & billing1 Publication
Contenu Populaire
- 15 kVues0like22Commentaires
videotron email
Résolu11 kVues0like1CommentaireThe bill by e-mail
Résolu10 kVues0like3CommentairesChannel Description
Résolu8,9 kVues0like3CommentairesEmail
Résolu8,9 kVues0like1CommentairePre-Authorized Payments
Résolu8,6 kVues0like2CommentairesUser Centre + Username
Résolu8 kVues0like1Commentaire- 7,9 kVues0like0Commentaire
Payment Plan options
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