Forum Discussion

Dandandan's avatar

Helix 2 is getting very hot even if nobody is using internet. My UPS uptime is reduced a lot.

Helix 2 (Model:TG4482A rev 10) is getting very hot even if nobody is using internet in my house (tested bridge mode and no bridge mode). I compare with bell Hub 2000 and Helix 2 is ten times hotter! Also when connecting Helix 2 to my UPS the uptime is going down a lot. Looks like Helix 2 has a bad hardware design and is heating and consuming a lot for just a simple modem/router.

  • Also tested with WiFi 2.4 & 5GHz turned OFF and only Videotron coax cable connected (no ethernet), the Helix2 modem/router is getting very hot when compare with other routers Netgear or Bell Hub2000.

    • SamusAran's avatar
      Super utilisateur

      My Helix gateway 2 uses about 18w according to my Kill-A-Watt.  The top of my gateway is a bit hot because of the convection.  I guess the fan inside will start if it gets too hot.


      Dandandan What's the power usage of your helix gateway ? 

      • Dandandan's avatar

        Thank you SamusAran for power consumption info;

        I will measure my helix2 power usage and post the info here. My UPS does not shows the load in wats, only uptime remaining, but I will get soon a  Power Watt Meter.