Forum Discussion

Tonnystark's avatar

Any experience with videotron?

I'm now with Rogers my plan is canada wide call and text and 8 GB for 62$

I'm thinking of going with videotron as i feel that their prices are cheaper, but I'm not sure how their network is doing.

What's your experience and do you think i should go with them ?

  • Anonyme's avatar
    Rogers and Vidéotron are sharing the same LTE network in Quebec and eastern Ontario (mainly Ottawa).
    Elsewhere in Canada, Vidéotron is roaming on Rogers’ network.

    So essentially if your experience is good with Rogers; it will also be good with Vidéotron.
  • The network is good. The prices are indeed cheaper. But be ready to have a terrible customer service. It is 100% different from Rogers. At Videotron they very often rude and ignorant. And very often won’t be able to resolve your issue within one call.
    • ExpertConseil's avatar
      Rédacteur Web

      Hi Svt


      Curious to know why to say that. We pride ourself in our excellent (award-winning even) customer service. 


      If there's a issue that wasn't resolved properly, I'm sure we can look into that for you and make sure you are satisfied. 


      Thank you and have a nice day! 


      Vincent Quigley 

      Your Community Manager

      • Anonyme's avatar


        I had some bad experience with all providers (Rogers, Fido, Bell, Virgin, Koodo, Telus, Videotron)... but I have to say that when it was time to fix issues with my account, Videotron was probably one of the best to resolve everything to my satisfaction. 

  • I assume you ARE in the service area - as VTR does not offer mobility services beyond Ottawa West.

    If you are, then:

    a. you might not do much better than the 62$/mth you pay now

    b. if you switch, you will see no signal or network quality difference. As Anonyme mentioned, if you're not in a VTR tower area, you'll be roaming on Rogers (and that does NOT count against your 50% roaming time limit, as it does if you roam on Bellus). Now, if you spend your life in Toronto...that's a different story :)


    I'm in Ottawa West and for the last 2 years the service has been perfect, roaming included.


    PS. I beg to diiffer on the customer service experience, I had my (small, account related mostly) issues solved every time. I actually appreciated the more polite approach and conversation. But I know...all it takes is a bad experience and the good ones are forgotten.