Forum Discussion

Pankh's avatar

Any experience with videotron?

I'm now with Rogers my plan is canada wide call and text and 8 GB for 62$

I'm thinking of going with videotron as i feel that their prices are cheaper, but I'm not sure how their network is doing.

What's your experience and do you think i should go with them ?

  • Anonyme's avatar
    You are very likely to have the same experience with Vidéotron because Rogers and Vidéotron are basically sharing the same network in Quebec and Ottawa region. For the rest of Canada, Rogers is the roaming
  • They are both 0 regarding tech support. More and more those people don't really understand what tech support mean. The Videotron's website is a joke mixted between French and English, not working well, probably the developer is under 14 years old. Sad with all the money but they are not capable to create a working website. These days companies don't want pro's just French or English speakers. What a joke....If a commpany don't take serious their website they will never take serious a customer....So having no other choice, becuase of the monopol, you have to go with one of those....To change a password of the email I haveto call in for customer support, in 2019? Common...



    • CharlesR's avatar
      Moderator - Solution Expert

      Good evening.


      We are sorry to hear that you've had a bad experience with our tech support. Most of the informations asked for by our customers can actually be found on our website. If not, we're always glad to help by phone or by chat. Feel free to contact us whenever you need our assistance.


      Good evening!


      P.S. you can change your email password yourself in your customer center, in the 'manage webmail accounts' option.

      • georgeb's avatar

        I am a developer and I never saw so bad build website for Videotron, when I am trying to change paswword I see an error message (on English page:) ) :


        "Un problème imprévu nous empêche de compléter votre requête.
        Veuillez contacter notre service de Soutien technique."


        If I'll be on top management of Videotron somebody will be fired for this, but again we are in North America and unprofessionalism  is paid very well here. What a joke....