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Streaming Spotify from Helix to a Yamaha RX-V4A
I have Helix TV and a Yamaha Rx-V4A receiver. The receiver has WiFi and is able to stream music from various sources such as Amazon and various radio stations that also broadcast on the Internet. What I would like to do is "forward" Spotify from the Helix box to my receiver (no TV). Is this possible and if so how do I do it?? The Helix app I installed on my Samsung phone is of no use or I'm missing something.JohnG03-14-2025Initiate5 kVues0like14CommentairesAchetons Québécois
Bonsoir, Dans le contexte Géopolitique que nous Vivons. Est-ce que Vidéotron (Québécor) envisage, concernant Helix de briser son contrat de locataire avec la compagnie Comcast et récupérer ses lettres de noblesse de solidarité , fièrté Québécoise créer en 1965 par Pierre Péladeau. Mercilepou03-08-2025Chevalier33Vues0like2CommentairesCrave
I subscribed to Crave and am very disappointed so far. Why does Helix not have a Crave app? I have the app on my ipad but most of the series are blocked and requires a subscription, why is my subscription with Videotron not valid? So far I am very disappointed and I can’t even subscribe to Crave directly because Helix does not have the app. I have been with Videotron for yeats and have always been satisfied until now…Dianechamard03-02-2025Initiate995Vues1like1CommentaireConnect to in-home Wifi to watch
Connect to in-home Wifi to watch Never had this problem until today. Im at home, nothing wrong with my internet, rebooted my Ipad, signed out of the app, my privacy location settings are on and i cannot watch any live channels. Can anyone help me? thank you!Scully2602-11-2025Initiate1,3 kVues0like1Commentaire- grumpy02-07-2025Initiate20Vues0like1Commentaire
Helix Apps - not in US App Store - Apple
I recently purchased a Helix subscription and tried to download the apps but my iPhone is in the US App Store. I can’t switch to the Canadian App Store because I currently have subscriptions that I’ve paid for from the US App Store which I will lose if I switch. Why aren’t the helix apps available in the US App Store? I know this seems like a niche problem, but I feel like I’m missing out on the whole experience without the apps, especially the TV app. Are there any work arounds?Mchris00702-02-2025Initiate1,9 kVues0like5CommentairesChannel changing
Just installed helix 2 and the channel +/- goes through all channels and not only my selection. How do I fix?Robfrance01-29-2025Initiate1,9 kVues0like1CommentaireClosed Captions
Good day, If anyone is having problems with "cc" not being shown. Specifically on Global TV, there is a fix on the PVR settings. Vidéotron technician was unable to help, but Global TV reached out to me with the fix! It was a Videotron problem!Carolinem101-22-2025Initiate18Vues0like0CommentaireStill no login access for CTV app!
The no login to CTV for Videotron customers issue was brought up here two years ago and I see there's still no resolution. Videotron customers pay for CTV as part of their cable package yet when we try to log into the CTV app (in my case on an Amazon Firestick) or through a web browser, almost all cable providers in Canada are listed but not Videotron. I know the easy answer is that it's due to the ongoing battle between Videotron and Bell. Each of them will blame the other. We don't care. We're paying for the channel and we should have a login. Besides, Crave, which is also owned by Bell, does have a login for Videotron customers. So the argument that it's due to the Videotron/Bell battle doesn't really make sense. So if any Videotron decision makers are reading this, please fix this. It's been two years now since the issue was raised on here and all I see is answers talking about what other on-demand services you offer but nothing about fixing the basic issue. We pay for CTV as part of our cable package, so we should access. Point final! I'm currently trying to decide if I'll switch to Helix or go with another company altogether (not Bell as they limit their internet speed to my address for now, although a Bell technician recently told me that would change soon). There are other companies that offer fast internet to my address and that are listed as logins to the CTV and Crave apps so perhaps I'll switch to one of them. I'd like to switch to Helix, but I don't like that my access is blocked to login to an online version of a channel I pay for as part of my package. Please fix this!Basilois01-11-2025Officer7,6 kVues1like9Commentaires- Ccawthorn01-05-2025Initiate20Vues0like0Commentaire
No handshake between Illico 4K Ultra-HD PVR and Samsung Crystal UHD DU7100
I have had enough with videotron. I got on boxing day a new TV (Samsung Crystal UHD7100) and after setting it up, it discovered my videotron box an Illico 4K Ultra-HD PVR (Samsung VD940CJ). it worked fine while I kept on the TV, but after turning it off and back on again, the videotron signal went black, disconnecting the HDMI cable and letting the TV set discover again the cable box worked the first time, but after a cycle of off/ons the problems comes back, sometimes no image, sometimes no sound, and after trying everyhting posible, even after a hard reset on the tv set, nothing, nothing at all. If videotron doesn't allow the HDMI signal to be visible (maybe it thinks I'm connecting a recording device or something else) I will cancel the service. I've had enough. I followed step by step the recommendations in Handshake problem? | La Communauté Vidéotron - 27280 to no avail. Waste of time and lots of frustration.ramonF01-02-2025Initiate48Vues0like0Commentaire
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