5 SujetsAccess Windows PC de l'extérieur avec port-forwarding
J'ai essayé de mettre en place un port-forwarding pour que de l'extérieur de chez moi, je puisse utiliser Windows Remote Desktop pour accéder à mon PC à la maison, mais en n'utilisant pas le port standard pour minimiser les resques de piratage. Ca a marché dans le passé, mais plus maintenant. Ci-bas une capture d'écran dand Helix Fi. C'est comme ça, non?30Vues0like2CommentairesNo handshake between Illico 4K Ultra-HD PVR and Samsung Crystal UHD DU7100
I have had enough with videotron. I got on boxing day a new TV (Samsung Crystal UHD7100) and after setting it up, it discovered my videotron box an Illico 4K Ultra-HD PVR (Samsung VD940CJ). it worked fine while I kept on the TV, but after turning it off and back on again, the videotron signal went black, disconnecting the HDMI cable and letting the TV set discover again the cable box worked the first time, but after a cycle of off/ons the problems comes back, sometimes no image, sometimes no sound, and after trying everyhting posible, even after a hard reset on the tv set, nothing, nothing at all. If videotron doesn't allow the HDMI signal to be visible (maybe it thinks I'm connecting a recording device or something else) I will cancel the service. I've had enough. I followed step by step the recommendations in Handshake problem? | La Communauté Vidéotron - 27280 to no avail. Waste of time and lots of frustration.47Vues0like0CommentaireProblème Hélix 4K et TV LG 65UF9500
Avant sur le système Illico, J’avais accès aux postes 4K mais maintenant c’est impossible depuis que j’ai migré vers Hélix. Le signal n’est plus accepté par ma télévision LG modèle 65UF9500 avec leur protocole HTCP 2.2 alors qu’il était avec le HTCP 2.1. LG et Videotron se renvoient la balle pour dire que le problème n’est pas de leur côté. Quelqu’un aurait une solution pour corriger ce problème ? Où puis-je formuler une plainte à Vidéotron? J’ai peur d’acheter une télévision de quelques K$ et d’avoir le même problème dans 5-6 ans.Résolu162Vues0like1CommentaireAccessing email through a mobile device
I try to keep this straight to the point. accessing email through a mobile device such as my Samsung S9+ phone, or my Samsung Tab s4. I have tried multiple email apps, on both phone and tablet with no success. Each time says Email/user and or password incorrect. I reset the password and still the same issue. I have even tried multiple times with Manual setup. Still same issue and msg. Can it be that you need a separate user and or password to access the emails, and not have to go through the website and webmails. as this is a big waist of time, and I don't like having to go through hoops. Start an app it gets my mail and I can write from it. As simple and outlook, gmail and the others. Videotron just doesn't work that good. Unless you can prove me wrong. under manage user accounts> xxx (user) >, Identifiers for your Videotron email account where it says to use the same customer service ID, is this correct or can you select use separate? But when you select separate one, how to use this feature, How to setup use or ID? I believe its this that is causing the issue. or Videotron and some security feature in place. I called them and explained my issue and they followed a script, and print screens from the website, which I found to be a waist of time. I have tried calling for support, writing with no reply. manual setup, on both mobile and tablet both with no success. I just find having to go through so many hoops. should not be the solution for us clients. SIMPLE? Thanks Elizabeth.Résolu4,4 kVues0like2Commentaires