Forum Discussion
No handshake between Illico 4K Ultra-HD PVR and Samsung Crystal UHD DU7100
I have had enough with videotron. I got on boxing day a new TV (Samsung Crystal UHD7100) and after setting it up, it discovered my videotron box an Illico 4K Ultra-HD PVR (Samsung VD940CJ). it worked fine while I kept on the TV, but after turning it off and back on again, the videotron signal went black, disconnecting the HDMI cable and letting the TV set discover again the cable box worked the first time, but after a cycle of off/ons the problems comes back, sometimes no image, sometimes no sound, and after trying everyhting posible, even after a hard reset on the tv set, nothing, nothing at all. If videotron doesn't allow the HDMI signal to be visible (maybe it thinks I'm connecting a recording device or something else) I will cancel the service. I've had enough. I followed step by step the recommendations in Handshake problem? | La Communauté Vidéotron - 27280 to no avail. Waste of time and lots of frustration.
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