21 SujetsEst-ce que la technologie peut prévenir la dépression?
On commence à en entendre de plus en plus parler, des chercheurs se tournent vers le machine learning, l’intelligence artificielle et les nouvelles technologies afin de détecter, prévenir et même guérir les problèmes de santé mentale. Aux États-Unis, des chercheurs se sont penchés sur Facebook comme source de dépistage de la dépression. Il semble en effet qu’on pourrait même détecter, avec une assez bonne précision, les cas de dépression simplement en analysant les publications et les comportements sur la plateforme. 1 Plus prêt de chez nous, des start-ups comme Mr Young, développent des applications à l’aide de chatbot qui cherchent à: «… aider les utilisateurs à gérer leurs angoisses quotidiennes et à trouver des pistes desolution.» Comment ça fonctionne ? Il suffit de parler au robot conversationnel comme si c’était un ami mais sans crainte d’un jugement extérieur. Un des principaux problèmes pour diagnostiquer l’angoisse et les troubles anxieux c’est encore les stigmates que les gens cultivent autour de ce genre de maladie. 2 Pour le traitement de la dépression et de troubles anxieux, de plus en plus de chercheurs se tournent vers les jeux vidéo. Bien qu’ils aient été diabolisés et qu’ils aient servis de bouc émissaire pour bien des comportements toxiques dans les années 90, on se rend de plus en plus compte des bienfaits de cette forme de divertissement. Que ce soit en offrant des expériences cathartiques aux joueurs ou en créant un sens de communauté en ligne, le jeu vidéo devient un potentiel facteur de guérison selon les chercheurs. 3 Une chose est sûre, il est évident que le monde scientifique se tourne de plus en plus vers les nouvelles technologies et nos nouvelles réalités pour trouver des solutions. Et vous, pensez-vous que la technologie est un facteur d'influence positif ou négatif sur la santé mentale? Connaissez-vous d’autres avancements technologiques qui aide à ce niveau? Avez-vous déjà utilisé ce genre de service? Croyez-vous qu’une app ou des jeux vidéos peuvent aider dans ce genre de situation? Vincent Quigley Votre Gestionnaire de Communauté Source: kVues3likes11CommentairesBlocking incoming international calls
Is there a way to block all incoming international calls? With my G4 I used to be able to put in (for example) "+1 302" and that would block any call from that area code. I now have an Xperia XA1 Ultra and that does not seem to work. I get multiple "google listing" calls every day from the US and I'm sick of having to clear the notifications and voice messages.Résolu7,1 kVues0like1CommentaireFlash Survey: Is night mode your jam?
The dark mode (or night mode) minimizes the white and bright colors of your mobile application interfaces to save your device battery and rest your eyes. This seems to be the new trendy mobile feature: Messenger and even the Android settings menus now offer this option. And you, are you a night mode user, or do you prefer the applications in their original colors? Vincent Quigley Your Community Manager references:,9 kVues0like4Commentairesillico app issues help!
hello, i own an iphone 7 , so my brother told me to jailbreak my iphone ,told me all the free apps to download but recently i found that my illico app having some issues after jailbreak when i opening the app it just blinks my screen and returns to the homescreen ! is it because of the jailbreak ? please reply?Résolu6,2 kVues0like2CommentairesUser Centre + widget not auto updating (Android)
I've got the User Centre + data widget (consummation 4*1) on my home screen and it doesn't seem to update this normal? Even if I tap the widget which takes me to the app's data status screen, it still won't update to match the app's info. My mobile data is always on, wifi often, data saver off, phone & storage permissions enabled. P30 Pro on Android 9.Résolu6 kVues0like3CommentairesUser center
Just connected yesterday my cellphone with Vidéotron. Trying to create to the user centre. But it’s not letting me. Never created a user name or password. Putting my account number and then trying to create one but keep getting a notice that user already existRésolu5,6 kVues0like1CommentaireWhat’s the right audio app for you?
While the status of traditional on-air radio is increasingly precarious, each day brings new applications and other online platforms designed for sharing audio content. New alternatives to FM radio are not only broadening the variety of content that’s offered and the ways in which it’s made available, they’re also increasingly efficient. They emphasize a unique user experience, whether you use a mobile app or an interface on your PC. In addition to the abundance of options available to your ears, these platforms have given rise to new ways of consuming audio content that are more intuitive and personalized. Using public transit, working out at the gym, chilling before bedtime or struggling with an Excel sheet for a whole afternoon—each situation warrants a certain type of content. And more often than not, specific content justifies the use of a specific interface. It’s never been so easy to access such a wide range of content, whether it’s your favourite singer’s new album, the story of Napoleon’s reign, a sunny playlist to help you forget the winter or the secrets of the salmon ricotta pie that will make you the official Ricardo of your group of friends. All you need to know is what you want and where to look. The entire world’s music and knowledge, from the most mainstream to the most arcane, are available in just two taps of the screen. The only prerequisites are a smart phone, earphones and an application you can download for a couple of bucks (if it isn’t free). The possibilities for streaming music are endless! There are currently hundreds of music streaming platforms, and although they might—almost—all seem identical when you just want to listen to some tunes, some have a stronger appeal than others and offer unique features or benefits. These can include: catalogue size and diversity possibility of uploading your own music option to pay through your mobile service package “family” subscription (same subscription, several accounts) superior sound quality (FLAC or MP3, 160 or 320 kbps) Ultimately, these details (along with an app’s overall reputation) will guide your choice. And, if you’re like me, once this happens you can expect your phone’s battery to be zapped pretty quickly. As far as industry giants go, Spotify and Deezer are among the most conventional and efficient options out there. Tidal—owned by Jay-Z and Beyoncé—comes in third. According to the powerhouse couple, it was developed by and for artists (yeah right…). Other notable options are Napster, Google Play Music, Apple Music and Amazon Music Unlimited. Among the less mainstream apps that tend to favour the artists over the industry, Soundcloud is one of the major players, although its policies have changed slightly over time. The same applies to Bandcamp, which has always put forward more independent productions and been quick to add new emerging artists. Enjoy the web-based version of these music players, or add them to your mobile. Get them from the App Store or Google Play. Obviously, there is no need to reinvent the wheel, and after trying out some apps that pride themselves on being more “underground,” one quickly comes back to the basics. You can trust me on that one. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Videotron clients, here is the only music app you’ll ever need There are so many apps for music buffs that it’s easy to lose your bearings. Stingray Music stands out by combining performance and an impressive musical variety curated free of charge. So what’s the catch? There is none. Stingray Music is a Videotron partner, so the app is included with all TV or mobile subscriptions and you automatically have access when you buy a mobile phone with Videotron. Get Stingray Music at the App Store if you have an iOS device. Get Stingray Music on Google Play if you power on Android. Clients with a Videotron mobile plan can take advantage of exclusive and easily accessible channels. These feature Quebec artists, as well as exclusive content produced by Videotron’s various partners, and themes that have a unique local flavour. Suffice it to say that Stingray Music channels offer you the perfect soundtrack for any occasion and you can access them wherever and whenever you want! All you need to do is download the app from the App Store or Google Play to the device of your choosing. Then you’ll be all set to take advantage of over 2,000 music channels. Without getting into too many technical details, Stingray Music includes a number of specially designed features that create a super intuitive and personalized listening experience—and that, my friends, is something we all want. Become a fountain of knowledge thanks to the millions of online podcasts Finally, since you also enjoy learning about new things, let’s talk about podcasts. Based on the simple principle of information on demand, podcasts allow you to easily and instantly access audio and video content through the Internet. These can include your favourite radio or TV shows as well as content produced solely for the purpose of being shared in podcast format. Podcasts can take pretty much any shape or form and cover an infinity of subjects. Science, sports, tourism, video games and cooking are only a few examples. Not to mention the fast-growing trend of podcasts focused on culture, which can teach you more about history, politics and geography, help you learn a new language or discover encyclopedia-style facts. As with music, choosing an app for podcasts can be overwhelming. You’ll probably have to do some research to find the right match for you, not only in terms of content, but also interface-wise. Generally speaking, Podcast Addict and Podcast Republic are pretty much the top choices if you have an Android device. For iOS, top marks go to Overcast, Pocket Casts or Castro. But hey, that’s just one guy’s opinion! Happy listening!5,5 kVues0like0Commentaire