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iPhone X Delivery Times


I ordered my phone on 4 November and has yet to arrive. Has anyone who ordered a iPhone X get their phones delivered?


If I buy one off right now, it will be delivered on 11 December.


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Super utilisateur

i get mine november 3rd. cross your finger to get befor 2018 =/

Did you get it in store? My understanding is anyone who ordered it, has not got them yet.


When will we be getting our phones?!

Moderator - Solution Expert
Moderator - Solution Expert

Hello Kango, 


You will receive your iPhone X as soon as possible, but we still do not have a specific date to give you. Be assured that you will receive a call when we will have a delivery date for you.


Thank you and have a nice day!

Why does every other provider have shorter delivery times?


If I ordered my phone last week from Apple, I’d have my phone by next week. I ordered my phone from you guys over a month ago!

Freedom Mobile offered iPhone pre-orders on November 24 and available in store on December 8.


What is Videotrons excuse? You had pre-orders almost a full month ahead of Freedom.

I’m sure there has to be a better answer than this canned response. When will there be a supply of the iPhone X? I would really like to get this phone before Christmas, especially if it will be available from apple directly by next week!

i ordered mine on november 7th and it's not delivered yet.

Whenever i asked videotron agents / employee at the kiosk, all of their answers were "we dont know the exact date, you need to wait. sorry" 


My other friend with bell went to the kiosk and Bell had enough supply so he got it right away and now im still like "when is it coming?" this is so annoying.

how can delivery take up to a full month? 


videotron should work harder !

Kiosk guy originally told me in a week after I ordered it. Then I called customer service 2 weeks after I ordered it and they told me I should have it in a week. Another lie. Then I called again and they said they have no idea when I will get my phone. But I will have it by 31 January!!! Can you believe that?!


Apparently the solution to this problem is to wait. Great way to show first time customers how this company operates.

Delivery times straight from Apple now only 1-3 days. Not unless you're videotron which is three months! The phone I ordered which is a black 256gb model is available right now at the Apple store with no wait. Videotron should send everyone with a cheque to go order our phones from Apple.


Good job on screwing up one of the most anticipated cell phone launches in the past decade.

Hi @Kango


I understand your eagerness to get your new iPhone X. I can assure you that we are sending them to our clients as soon as we receive them from Apple in the order we received the pre-orders.  


I wish I was able to tell you more, but that's all the information we have currently. 


Thank you for your understanding! 


If you want to talk about the specific situation in your account, I invite you to contact us by phone or chat here:


Vincent Quigley 

Your Community Manager


Please tell us an direct date you will have iPhone X in stock as we are eagerly waiting. As kango said in the apple store is 2-3 days. Why is videotron the power house of Quebec having difficulty with the iPhone X in stock

You are not providing an appropriate answer. Please tell your customers how or why it is taking soo long. And what are you going to do to resolve this issue besides telling us to wait.


Telling us to wait is not the correct answer. Videotron claim customer service is important. This is very poor customer service and a poor experience to new and old customers. Myself and my partner are new clients. I can guarantee you I will not be recommending Videotron to anyone after this experience.

Hi @Smizmar and @Kango


Again I understand your frustration. However, I gave you all the information we have at the moment. 


I invite you to contact our Customer services by phone or chat for more information about your specific situation. One of my colleague will gladly see what can be done for you. 


You can contact us here:


Thanks again for your understanding!


Vincent Quigley 

Your Community Manager

I agree with everyone else here.  You are providing no real information.  In fact, you are just saying in another way to wait because there's nothing we can do; we're at your mercy.  That's not good enough.  It's not good enough that a) Videotron has a "fictious date" b) the retail staff say oh it's a fictious date, but you will most likely get it before this date and c) Videotron is unable to manage the supply compared to Apple store or their competitors.  I wish I never went to the Videotron store now to get this phone.  I was given a date of Jan 2 which I said was awfully long, but the guy said, oh it's just a ficitious date to hold your place in the system and said you should get it before that.  I'm starting to think that was a bold faced lie just to get me to sign on the dotted line.  Not happy with how you and all of Videotron is handling this.

Wow - this service is atrocious!  I signed up for Videotron (switching from Fido) because they were offering the iPhone X as a pre-order. I pre-ordered >6 weeks ago, and still no phone!  All other companies are offering the phone within 1-3 business days now, but still no phone from Videotron!  I could walk into an Apple store and pick one up off the shelf, but Videotron doesn't seem to have them available for >6 weeks?  


I'm thinking this was a bit of a game that Videotron played in order to get people to sign up and see if the demand was high enough for the iPhone X.  


Poor showing, Videotron. I will be going back to the kiosk in St-Laurent mall on Saturday to cancel my contract and get a refund.

I was just chatting with a rep yesterday and she was very rude. I asked if videotron will honor the co tract if I pick it up from apple store which will be much faster. Instead she says “no, cancel videotron phone package and go buy it for full price and come back to videotron to use our service” That was extremely rude on their part. I just wanted to cancel all my videotron services just because of that. Train those chat reps better. 

Hi everyone, 


Again I understand that the situation might not be to your liking and that the wait might be frustrating. The success of the Apple iPhone X is undeniable. The device's standby times in some colors and capabilities are improving, but demand is still higher than availability for the time being.


Many customers have already received their iPhone X, and we continue to process orders by order entry.


As for this thread, I will have to remind everyone of the Community guidelines and more specifically to these clauses:


Be courteous: On the Videotron community, people are expected to talk in a courteous and polite manner. These are fundamental rules, both in the virtual and in the real world. Messages containing offensive, inappropriate, rude, obscene, abusive, discriminatory, racist, sexist, heinous, hurtful or repetitive language will be deleted. The use of only upper case letters (which are equivalent to shouting on the internet) is prohibited.


Be constructive: We are here, above all, to help each other. If you have the answer to a question, please do not hesitate to share it. The Community is a place where the emphasis is on solutions, rather than a place to share one’s frustrations. 


If you want to verify the state of your pre-order and to see what Videotron can do given the circumstances, I urge you to contact us by phone, chat or go directly to the closest store:


I will close further comments on this thread since we will not be able to offer any help regarding the pre-order in the Community for the time being. 


If you feel the need to discuss this decision further, i'm always available by private message. 


Thank you for your understanding and have a nice day! 


Vincent Quigley 

Your Community Manager