60 SujetsRandom SIM card charge when upgrading devices
So this may be nitpicking but I thought it was enough of an issue that I should forewarn everyone here. I recently upgraded to a Note 8 on my account. At the store, I specifically said I wanted to keep my old SIM card, and no SIM swap was completed when I picked up the phone. Lo and behold, on my new invoice, I receive a SIM card charge. I find this both amusing and sad that this is automatically charged to customer accounts even if no such service was provided. Perhaps they aren't too far away from Rogers and Bell, what with all the news regarding those two carriers that is emerging.Résolu6,8 kVues1like2CommentairesFIFA World Cup with Videotron | illicoweb
For those who are looking for streaming link for the world cup at work, did you know that you can watch RDS on this link : https://illicoweb.videotron.com/chaines/RDS If you have on your package, you can watch online and HD, everywhere. Hope it helps ! Yass5 kVues1like1CommentaireWifi calling
My video Tron Wi-Fi calling consistently cuts out after one or a few minutes on a phone call. When I was with Telus the Wi-Fi calling worked fine. I have superfast home Internet. 500 MB Per second down and 20 MB per second up. Is this Wi-Fi calling issue just a knownproblem with videetron or do you have any suggestions and tips that I can try to make my Wi-Fi calling more stable at my house? The calls are crystal clear, and I’m usually sitting in one spot, and then all of a sudden the call drops...pretty much always. Thanks for your help.4 kVues0like2CommentairesUnable to call toll-free 1-800 numbers
Anyone else having trouble calling toll-free 1-800 numbers? I can call through another provider with no issue but cannot through my Videotron line. It's not just my phone either. I brought this up with Technical Support and the feedback was given the COVID-19 situation, the congestion is greater so try again later or use the other provider that works. :smileyfrustrated:2,3 kVues0like0CommentaireLoopback et Hairpining sur modem EMG2926 de Zyxel
Bonjour, J'ai un routeur EMG2926 sur lequel j'héberge un site web. Je suis capable de me connecter à mon site web à partir d'un autre réseau que le mien. Cependant, je ne peux pas me connecter à partir du réseau de ma maison. Je sais que sur plusieurs routeurs, il y a l'option de faire un loopback et d'accepter les connections internes. Je me demande si c'est possible avec le modem que j'ai. Si non, quand y aura-t'il de mise à jour pour cette fonctionalité?2,3 kVues0like0CommentaireStay connected with Videotron : Ask Me Anything
During this isolation period, the need to stay connected is stronger than ever and Videotron wants to answer as many questions as possible. From April 6 to 15, join our discussion. Our experts are available and ready to answer within a day's period. Are you newly working from home? Need help managing your Videotron account? What would you like to know? > Please note that our experts will take a break from April 11 to 13 and will respond to all unanswered questions on April 14. The discussion is now closed. Thank you for submitting your questions!15 kVues0like22Commentaires