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Apple Watch Series 3 - ETA on availability
Hello, we recently switched our wireless services to Videotron and are very happy thus far. I recently purchased an Apple Watch series 3 and am eagerly awaiting Videtron’s activation of the LTE featur...
I went into a Videotron store and finally got a straight answer.
I was told that Videotron’s native LTE network runs on a different frequency than most networks.
The Apple Watch does not support that frequency in the current series 3 and 4 iteration. They believe the next series will support it, i.e.likely late 2019.
Although Videotron “shares” some of the Rogers network, and, in theory, the Apple Watch could work on that network, Videotron’s working arrangement with Rogers does not allow for 100% reliability on the Rogers network.
Per the employee, there are no plans to work the Rogers agreement.
Buying a series 3 or 4 with LTE is a waste of the LTE adder if you are on Videotron per this employee.
Strange though, when I check the Videotron frequencies and the watch supported frequencies..they seem to match. Go figure...
Straight answer?!? Sorry but no, all you got is someone just bulshitting you. Most of the stores employees don’t know what they are talking about.
Except for Freedom, all providers in Canada are pretty much using the same frequencies... Rogers and Vidéotron are essentially sharing the same network in Quebec and Eastern Ontario. So there’s absolutely no reason why it wouldn’t be compatible.
What Vidéotron doesn’t have now and is required by the Apple Watch is eSIM. The minute eSIM is supported, I bet that Vidéotron will be able to support the Apple Watch (exactly what Rogers is doing as of September 17th).
Straight answer?!? Sorry but no, all you got is someone just bulshitting you. Most of the stores employees don’t know what they are talking about.
Except for Freedom, all providers in Canada are pretty much using the same frequencies... Rogers and Vidéotron are essentially sharing the same network in Quebec and Eastern Ontario. So there’s absolutely no reason why it wouldn’t be compatible.
What Vidéotron doesn’t have now and is required by the Apple Watch is eSIM. The minute eSIM is supported, I bet that Vidéotron will be able to support the Apple Watch (exactly what Rogers is doing as of September 17th).
- stadman12-19-2018InitiateCome on Videotron , get your act together for all your faithful customers that have been with you for so many years !!!!!