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Helix - Change skip forward and skip back rates
Hello, How can I change the default skip forward and back rates on the Helix remote when watching a recorded prohram? By default the skip forward is 5 minutes and so is the skip back which is not...
- 11-12-2019
If you press exit 3 times then enter 0030, Page Up will skip 30 seconds in the future and page down will skip 15 seconds in the past.Hope that works for you
This works only if you are using the remote in IR mode. Once you switch the remote to Bluetooth mode, PgUp and PgDn moves by 5 minutes, not seconds.
Hi! The same little trick works in bluetooth mode as well 🙂
- thasan1010-03-2021Chevalier
So it does now. I stand corrected. I did try before and the Bluetooth mode did not move as the IR did but I just tried it on both my TV and it did work (move 30 secs in advance)
- Bordel10-31-2021InitiateHow do you put the Helix remote in Bluetooth mode?
- PatrickM11-08-2021Moderator - Solution Expert
Hi Bordel ! Bluetooth mode should be enabled by default after your remote control is paired to your Helix receiver. The light indicator will show up as green to confirm it when using any buttons that controls the receiver.
In infrared mode, the remote control will display a red light. You will see this light mainly for the volume control button, when using the remote control for the first time before the initial setup or, after doing a reset of the remote control settings.