15 SujetsRésolution de 2024 : on multiplie les discussions!
En ce début de nouvelle année, nous amorçons une période propice aux résolutions. Êtes-vous adepte de cette tradition? Pour ma part, j’ai décidé de m’engager davantage au sein de notre Communauté. Attendez-vous à un plus grand nombre de publications de ma part. J’aimerais échanger avec vous, poser des questions et discuter de sujets technologiques. J’aimerais aussi vous partager des astuces utiles liées aux services de Vidéotron. N'hésitez pas à alimenter les discussions et à nous dire ce qui vous intéresse. De quels sujets technologiques aimeriez-vous discuter cette année?3,7 kVues1like2CommentairesUkraine contract not respected
Why does videotron not notify ukrainian users when they reach their internet data limit? Why does videotron not respect the law that requires them to disactivate internet data when the surcharge reaches 50$? Why does videotron not respect the contracts they signed with their customers? Why does the law let videotron charge over 8000$ to a user without ever having sent them notices or without having blocked the data? Why do your customers have to fight to get their contracts respected? Why are there so many ukrainian families affected by this?5,8 kVues1like3CommentairesStill no login access for CTV app!
The no login to CTV for Videotron customers issue was brought up here two years ago and I see there's still no resolution. Videotron customers pay for CTV as part of their cable package yet when we try to log into the CTV app (in my case on an Amazon Firestick) or through a web browser, almost all cable providers in Canada are listed but not Videotron. I know the easy answer is that it's due to the ongoing battle between Videotron and Bell. Each of them will blame the other. We don't care. We're paying for the channel and we should have a login. Besides, Crave, which is also owned by Bell, does have a login for Videotron customers. So the argument that it's due to the Videotron/Bell battle doesn't really make sense. So if any Videotron decision makers are reading this, please fix this. It's been two years now since the issue was raised on here and all I see is answers talking about what other on-demand services you offer but nothing about fixing the basic issue. We pay for CTV as part of our cable package, so we should access. Point final! I'm currently trying to decide if I'll switch to Helix or go with another company altogether (not Bell as they limit their internet speed to my address for now, although a Bell technician recently told me that would change soon). There are other companies that offer fast internet to my address and that are listed as logins to the CTV and Crave apps so perhaps I'll switch to one of them. I'd like to switch to Helix, but I don't like that my access is blocked to login to an online version of a channel I pay for as part of my package. Please fix this!7,5 kVues1like7CommentairesAugmenter le nombre de sonneries sur son cellulaire
Voici la solution trouvée sur le site Facebook de Vidéotron. Elle fonctionne sur mes deux cellulaires. N'oubliez pas de mettre le signe + après l'étoile comme cela est indiqué dans le code. « Il est possible de modifier le nombre de sonnerie avant le renvoi vers la boite vocale avec la procédure suivante: Composez le: **61*+15144242302*11*Nombre_de_secondes# * = astérisque/étoile, # = dièse Nombre de secondes (doit être un multiple de 5) minimum : 5 | maximum : 30 ATTENTION: les deux * au début et le # à la fin sont essentiels. Ceci fonctionne sur tous les appareils, sans exception. Si vous voyez que ça ne fonctionne pas, nous vous invitons à contacter notre département de soutien technique. Il nous fera plaisir de vous assister. -Alex D »21 kVues1like0Commentaire