8 TopicsLoopback et Hairpining sur modem EMG2926 de Zyxel
Bonjour, J'ai un routeur EMG2926 sur lequel j'héberge un site web. Je suis capable de me connecter à mon site web à partir d'un autre réseau que le mien. Cependant, je ne peux pas me connecter à partir du réseau de ma maison. Je sais que sur plusieurs routeurs, il y a l'option de faire un loopback et d'accepter les connections internes. Je me demande si c'est possible avec le modem que j'ai. Si non, quand y aura-t'il de mise à jour pour cette fonctionalité?2.3KViews0likes0CommentsRefund for overpay
Hi, Does anyone know how to get Videotron to pay you back the money that they overcharged you? I cancelled my account in January and since February I have a balance of -140$. For me, that's a lot of money! I have called Videotron many times and they always say that the cheque is coming, but it has been almost 6 months and nothing! I paid more and now they are just making h*ll to give MY MONEY BACK. Any ideas? Thanks!Solved7.3KViews0likes3CommentsBEWARE ! weird issue with payement arragments
BEWARE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hi there ! We had a mobility service with videotron which not cover our needs, so we make request to fix their quality of these services but were unable to fix them and propose us to stop using their services with very very bad manner . and not only this, they transfer the rest of the balance of the mobile handsets to our internet connection The amount is $7000 + , We call them and we asking them to pay according to our terms until we have money to pay all dept in some blessing time frame 6 month to a year They refuse to accept payment schedule for 6 months or to a year and they warning us if we don't pay per month for 3 months or 4 months the amount they will cut their services ( too stupid thing to do ) However we accept to pay all this amount after 4 months with a check in total amount as good willing , another time they refuse , This was our fifth attempt to find a way to pay our company dept without any good willing for their side If they service disruption to internet connection ( we still have 2 years contract ) they forcing us to go to court for millions and millions amount of damages, we have contract that worth 100 million dollards if they making 6 month patient with win win for all . If they refuse and close the acount we gonna loose that contracts and not be able to pay them at all , actually i will ask to the court videotron to cover all the value of the contracts. At this time our company is good standing thank youSolved5.5KViews0likes2CommentsMy Joomla is wrong on the local site
My Joomla is wrong on the local site Hello friends I have a site that I've downloaded for someone and I've installed it in local. I do not know what JoomlLeauer is and what's wrong with me! ( ! ) Deprecated: iconv_set_encoding(): Use of iconv.internal_encoding is deprecated in F:\wamp64\www\طراحیسایت\public_html\libraries\joomla\string\string.php on line 27 ( ! ) Warning: session_start(): Cannot send session cookie - headers already sent by (output started at F:\wamp64\www\ثبتدامنه\public_html\libraries\joomla\string\string.php:27) in F:\wamp64\www\hadidsaz\public_html\libraries\joomla\session\session.php on line 658 Thank you for advising me on how to fix this error :smileysad: Thanks3.1KViews0likes1CommentInternet Usage as displayed in the Customer Center
I've been a satisfied Videotron customer for many years and I appreciate the ability to monitor my internet usage in the Customer Center. I often notice that there is a significant time delay between when I login to check and its last updated time (often 10-15 hours behind, as is the case right now). I would welcome a more real-time data on the subject, especially when I come toward the end of my billing cycle to ensure I don't go over my limit and thus incur extra charges. I can download a lot of data in 12 hours! I am set up to receive levels of usage text message notifications at 75%, 90%, 100%, but they too come after a significant time delay. Thanks.Solved8.2KViews0likes4Comments