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Disconnecting the antennas on Helix when used as bridge mode
I noticed that the Helix router would still broadcast WIFI on 2.4 and 5Ghz allthough the router was confirgured in "bridge" mode and the WIFI disabled (I confirmed this on the Xfinity forums) To summarize, even in bridge mode the modem was broadcasting 3 WiFi SSIDs where 3 were broadcasting on 2.4GHz and 2 were broadcasting on 5GHz throughout the house, even though it was in bridge mode I was able to greatly reduce the RFI emitted by the Helix router by physically disconnecting the six (6) antennas Here are the link of interest:,4 kVues0like1CommentaireIPV6 - Helix en mode "Bridge" Configuration de mon Router TP-Link
Bonjour, Mon Helix est en mode "Bridge" et j'aimerais configurer mon router pour le IPV6. Les options disponibles sont: Static IP, Dynamic ISP, PPPoe, 6to4 Tunnel et Pass-through (bridge) Vous savez lequel utiliser et comment le configurer? J'ai essayé le "6to4 Tunnel " et je semble avoir une conneciton, mais pas certain c'est le bon choix a utliser. Merci ce vos suggestions! Francis