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Reset Cisco 8642HD to play over the air (OTA) broadcasts from my antenna
Hi! I have migrated from Illico to Helix. Of course, my Cisco 8642HD, now rendered 'obsolete', no longer does anything except that when I boot, it says "Cable disconnected... [bla bla bla]... Pre...
Rhetorical question: What's ILlegal about doing what I want with my property that I purchased?
(Note, I did not purchase or rent it from Videotron; I bought it at FutureShop (remember them?))
The term "CableCARD" is new to me; thanks st0106, I now have something new to Google! 🙂
Cause if you change it into an ota box, you probably need to install an operating system on your own, and it’s not like a simple android or windows systems on phones and PCs, so you probably ended up with some unofficial components. You definitely need to modify the box physically, and it’s probably not allowed.