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The Advent calendar contest is back!

If you follow @Videotron on Instagram, you've certainly noticed the hilarious stories featuring comedian Arnaud Soly, announcing the return of our Advent Calendar contest!


It's not the case? Go and have a look, many exclusive contents are regularly proposed! And for movie and series fans, discover our new @Clubillico account.


Don't hesitate to visit the https://calendrierdelavent.videotron.com/?lang=en website every day until December 24 for a chance to win tons of techno gifts!

Good luck!


Vincent Quigley

Your Community Manager


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    wanda2458 wrote:

    Hi,  Can you tell me how the winners are notified of the reward?  I have received an email which I find very odd and was wondering if it was fraud -  "Videotron POST [email@marketing.kijiji.ca]" .


    Thanks for letting me and other customers know.


    Wanda B.

    I don’t know exactly how winners are notified... but this email you received is definitively a scam. Emails from Videotron will always come from @videotron.com or @communications-videotron.com

  • Hi,  Can you tell me how the winners are notified of the reward?  I have received an email which I find very odd and was wondering if it was fraud -  "Videotron POST [email@marketing.kijiji.ca]" .


    Thanks for letting me and other customers know.


    Wanda B.

    • Avatar de Anonyme

      wanda2458 wrote:

      Hi,  Can you tell me how the winners are notified of the reward?  I have received an email which I find very odd and was wondering if it was fraud -  "Videotron POST [email@marketing.kijiji.ca]" .


      Thanks for letting me and other customers know.


      Wanda B.

      I don’t know exactly how winners are notified... but this email you received is definitively a scam. Emails from Videotron will always come from @videotron.com or @communications-videotron.com