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Apple Watch eSIM 2020

I was wondering when Videotron would be supporting apple watch cellular?  I checked with the customer center prior to purchasing my watch almost 2 years ago and was told it was coming so spent extra on my watch so that I could use that feature.  Now almost 2 years later and I am being told that due to videotron's size it is a challenge to negotiate with Apple.  Well Freedom Mobile (smaller company used to be Wind Mobile https://www.apple.com/ca/watch/cellular/)  now support it so why is Videotron taking so long to do it?


I know there is a lot of demand for this service due to the returns when I google videotron apple watch support so where is it?

  • Hello Flxb
    Regarding your question about the Apple Watch and its upcoming availability, we will post here on social media any news regarding eSIMs (required for this product), if we ever have any information about it. At the moment, this service isn't available. 
    thank you.


  • Videotron ??? Every single other operator in Canada supports eSim ! I am considering switching my entire service to a competitor for that reason.

    • Avatar de VickyLL
      Moderator - Solution Expert

      Hello Flxb
      Regarding your question about the Apple Watch and its upcoming availability, we will post here on social media any news regarding eSIMs (required for this product), if we ever have any information about it. At the moment, this service isn't available. 
      thank you.


      • Avatar de CT

        Any timelines though? 

  • Avatar de CT

    Gosh still no word on eSIM support with Videotron eh? 

    • Avatar de Cmobile
      It's disappointed. Both Freedom mobile and lucky mobile support esim already. It's middle of 2021 now
  • Just got myself a Samsung Z fold 4  & Samsung Watch 5 with LTE. I very discouraged now seeing these post that people have been asking about this for 2 years now and still nothing. Further more it is sad to sell a phone and not be able to support all of it's features. I use 100% of my phones options and this is a deal breaker. Think I might have to port out to Rogers to enjoy the esim feature.  

    • Avatar de TwitchyPuppy
      That's what I did in 2019 and they've been calling me every year since, to suggest that I move my lines over (I already have internet through them). When I tell them no, because they don't support smart watches, they're like "Oh, ok. Fair enough! No problem, bye bye". I'm satisfied with Rogers anyway.