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Avatar de jeanpierrecaron

How to change the name of the 2.4GHz band to something different from the 5GHz band?

I am having issues connecting a device and I would like to be able to choose which band I connect my device to.
  • Avatar de CedrikS

    Hi jeanpierrecaron,


    The best way to separate the two networks is with the following procedure:

    1- Go to your  HelixFi mobile app
    2- Go to the Connection tab
    3- Go to View Connection
    4- Click on the white pencil logo at the top right corner of the screen
    5- Check the box "Use different names and passwords for 2.4 and 5 GHz"
    6- Create a 2.4 GHz network name and a 5 GHz network name and two passwords.
    7- Then, don't forget to click on Apply.
    8- Finally, try to connect your devices on 2.4 GHz network you created and for your other devices, connect them on the 5 GHz network.


    Hope this will help! Have a good day!