Forum Discussion
EMG2926 Port forwarding not working
Hi, Simple port forwarding for VNC used to work well. It is easy. But the port forwarding on EMG2926 stopped working. Can't trace it back to any update but it does not work. canyouseeme shows ...
I have verified that all port forwards have stopped working. I am a software engineer and have gone through all the steps to verify the port forward--port 443 is the only port that is allowed to be forwarded right now.
I am about to stop using the service due to this, I suggest you all call videotron and threaten them with the same. This service is completely useless to me without port forwards, so I'll be switching immediately.
I can't have even the 443 open. Any port I try, doesn't open.
Called Videotron Support. The answer was we can't help you with port forwarding!!!
Superior support!