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EMG2926 teardrop attack

Hi, my router logs show a constant stream of alerts with the following message:


kern.alert kernel: [433871.160000] Teardrop Attack... with SRC equal to every device I have connected to my network. This includes several cell phones and laptops...


Any idea what could be the cause?? Time to panic? 



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    If it’s coming from all your local devices, it’s probably a false alarm.

    Your router might see the fragmentated TCP packets on your network as a teardrop attack. If that’s really the case, rebooting your router will probably fix the problem. 

  • Avatar de Anonyme

    If it’s coming from all your local devices, it’s probably a false alarm.

    Your router might see the fragmentated TCP packets on your network as a teardrop attack. If that’s really the case, rebooting your router will probably fix the problem.