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Channel 124
Can we finally have the channel 124 (BET) in High Definition channel (HD)? Channel 724 perhaps!!!
- 01-26-2023
Press like or love if you think BET should be in HD! Perhaps channel 724. 🙂
I attended the Alouettes Parade on November 22, 2023. Karl Peladeau the Owner of the Als and Videotron was leading the way. He spoke on stage well. I did ask him a few times from afar; "Please, can I now have B.E.T. in HD!" Not sure if he heard me, or he might be still partying with his team as I am still without B.E.T in HD. But, I am sure in a few days I and all of Montreal will finally have B.E.T. in HD! Go Als Go! And congratulations on making the City of Montreal the Champ once again!