Forum Discussion

Mikedidomenico's avatar

4k PVR not recording as per schedule


I have been with Videotron for only a few months now and i am getting a little frustrated with the PVR. There are shows programmed to record daily/weekly and the PVR seems to have a mind of its own. For example, a show prorammed to record daily at 2pm from Monday to Friday will record only 4 out of the 5 days.  Another example is a show programmed to record "Every Monday at 9pm" on a specific channel will record EVERY time it airs on that channel.  Before anyone asks me if i programmed them properly, yes i did, i double checked before posting this.  But honestly, i am more concerned about missed recordings that too many recordings.  These issues have been going on for months now and it happens with different shows, not always the same one. I'm not sure why this is happening but coming from Bell where this was NEVER an issue makes it a little more frustrating and it is making me doubt my decision to switch to Videotron.  Hopefully someone here can help me.

  • Hi!

    We actually suggest deleting the offending planned recordings (press on 'list' twice to see the future recordings), and reprogram them. This usually fixes the issue. But if it persists, tech support will be able to investigate in the box's configuration.

  • Hi!

    We actually suggest deleting the offending planned recordings (press on 'list' twice to see the future recordings), and reprogram them. This usually fixes the issue. But if it persists, tech support will be able to investigate in the box's configuration.

  • Anonyme's avatar

    did you chose what to record in the guide or manually add a recording?

    I'm asking the queston because most of the time this is caused by bad entries in the TV guide... if you maually enter a channel and time, it should work fine. 



    • Mikedidomenico's avatar

      I have done it both ways but i always modify to make sure it is scheduled the way i want it to be.  Normally i will program through the guide and do the modification. Why would that be different from manually?

      I also have the opposite problem. Recently i programmed a show to record every monday night at 9 pm. It has been doing so without issue since day one, despite there being many replays during the week of this show.  Then there was a "marathon" of the show on a saturday and the PVR recorded 12 just seems very unreliable

      • Anonyme's avatar

        if you program from the guide and select keep all episodes, I believe it will scan the guide regurarily and record what would be missing. sometimes it does a poor job... and will miss an episode if something has changed in the naming for the show. 


        if you program manually, I guess it won't check the guide... but I could be wrong.