Forum Discussion
Problem with Wireless Network Adapter
I have a wireless adapter from D-link, DWA-182 and it feels like these things were made specifically to stop working after a year of usage or something like that. I've been using adapters for two years now. I got my first one from d-link two years ago, not even one year later it started doing weird stuff and I bought another one. It's been working perfectly until recently. So, first of all, I experience extremely high latency (300-400 ping). Second of all, it disconnects at random times, and when it disconnects, in the settings, at "Network status" I see "Hamachi Private Network" as if it were connected via Lan. Now, I know Hamachi is used for creating virtual Lan networks but I've been using it for a long time and I never had issues with it. And besides this, the program is not even open. And if I were to uninstall it, there's just nothing at "network status", so I don't think Hamachi is the problem.
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