Forum Discussion

aarmouti's avatar

Helix Bridge Mode



I have a question regarding Helix Bridge Mode. My Current setup is as follows:


Switch Ports Model              SW Version            SW Image                 

------ ----- -----              ----------            ----------               

*    1 8     WS-C2960G-8TC-L    12.2(52)SE            C2960-LANBASEK9-M

modem is plugged into a managed switch in this case a Cisco 2960G in port Gi0/7 as an access port as seen below:


CAQCIDSCORESW#show running-config interface gigabitEthernet 0/7

Building configuration...

Current configuration : 117 bytes


interface GigabitEthernet0/7

 description ISP1-TBD

 switchport access vlan 10

 switchport mode access



from there the switch is trunked into a 2nd Cisco 2960G on port Gi0/8 on both sides as seen below:


CAQCIDSCORESW#show running-config interface gigabitEthernet 0/8

Building configuration...

Current configuration : 170 bytes


interface GigabitEthernet0/8


 switchport trunk allowed vlan 10,11,20,30,60,70,80,306,403,404,500-507,806

 switchport mode trunk



 CAQCIDSACCSW01#show running-config interface gigabitEthernet 0/8

Building configuration...

Current configuration : 169 bytes


interface GigabitEthernet0/8


 switchport trunk allowed vlan 10,11,20,30,60,70,80,306,403,404,500-507,806

 switchport mode trunk



 From there, the PFSense Firewall is plugged into port Gi0/7 as seen below:


 CAQCIDSACCSW01#show running-config interface gigabitEthernet 0/7

Building configuration...

Current configuration : 138 bytes


interface GigabitEthernet0/7

 description CAQCIDSFW

 switchport trunk allowed vlan 10,11,80,403,404,500-507

 switchport mode trunk



VLAN10 is present in both switches databases as seen below:


CAQCIDSACCSW01#show vlan brief | i WANG

10   LEGACY-NETWORK-WANG              active 


CAQCIDSCORESW#show vlan brief | i WANG

10   LEGACY-NETWORK-WANG              active    Gi0/7


As seen from the setup, the switches only work on L2 and there is only one SVI used for management which is in VLAN500


My question is:


Will the PFSense Firewall pull a Public IP Address from Videotron's DHCP Servers? I am assuming the DHCPDISCOVER packet leaving the PFSense would be routed to the DHCP Servers with something like an "ip helper address"?


I am assuming that putting the Helix in Bridge Mode will disable all L3 capabilities, if thats the case, how can it be accessed after? Or simply a Factory-Reset?


Thank You!

  • I didn’t read your setup, but you’ll want to put in bridge mode to receive the public address.

    If not you’ll get a private dhcp address from the helix router and that might cause a double nat issue.