helix internet
45 TopicsDisponibilité de IPV6 sur Helix
Vidéotron, Je suis abonné au service Helix et j'aurais grand besoin de pouvoir sortir sur Internet (WAN) en IPV6. Est-ce que vous pourriez nous partager vos plans à l'égard de cette fonctionnalité, à savoir quel est l'horizon pour que nous puissions enfin avoir ceci sur Helix ? Merci,5.1KViews0likes3CommentsVery slow internet this morning
Hello, since this morning I cannot download faster than ~250 to ~300 mbps rather than the usual 1gbps I get. I benched my network / router with iperf3 and I do hit 1gbps so my network is fine. I rebooted the Helix Gateway but to no avail. I use fast.com, speedtest.net and the videotron ookla test my connection which all give me the same result. Anyone experiencing the same?1.5KViews1like6CommentsHelix and Google WiFi Mesh network - it works
Just want to share my experience with Helix and Google Wifi mesh network as when I was subscribing no one seemed to know if it would work or not. The short answer is it works perfectly - but requires some manual adjustments. 1. Set-up your helix wifi modem router using the app 2. Connect your Main Google wifi point to the Helix router ethernet with the red line marking 3. Restart the helix modem and then restart the Google wifi main point 4. Both HELIX and your Google wifi networks will now work at the same time which means you do not need to migrate all of your devices to a new network 5. Bridge Mode to ONLY have your google wifi network (and close the Helix wifi signal and simply use as a cable modem). I tried this and for some reason internet speeds on the google network were substantially slower than if I left it in normal mode. So after experimenting I now leave the HELIX with BRIDGE MODE DISABLED – so you will have a choice of either Helix or Google Network for Wifi. 6. YOU CAN connect your TV Helix devices to the Google Network. I have one TV connected to the Google wifi network and one to Helix wifi - and both work perfectly. Hope this helps others.5.7KViews2likes5CommentsBorne Helix avec routeur Asus en mode "Access Point"
Bonjour, J'utilise présentement la borne Helix en mode bridge avec mon routeur Asus (AC66U). Ca fonctionne très bien, mais j'ai des fois quelques problèmes de réception Wifi a l'étage supérieur, le routeur est au sous-sol... J'aimerais utilisé la borne Helix en mode routeur et utiliser mon routeur en mode access point relier par fil a la borne Helix ou a une switch. Ma question : est-il possible d'utilisé le même SSID que la borne Helix pour ne pas a avoir a changer de connexion à chaque fois que l'on change d'étage?5.5KViews0likes4CommentsDemande aux experts – Appli Helix Fi
Connaissez-vous bien l’application Helix Fi, qui sert à gérer votre réseau Internet? Elle peut vous être très utile au quotidien : gérer le temps d’écran des enfants, mettre un appareil en pause, voir les applications utilisées, contrôler des objets connectés (ampoules, serrures, thermostats, etc.), partager le mot de passe du Wi-Fi, et bien plus! Du 17 au 21 juin 2024, nos experts répondront à toutes vos questions sur l’appli Helix Fi. C’est l’occasion de démystifier les fonctions de cette application pratique, incluse dans tout abonnement à Helix Internet. Temps d’écran, sécurité, domotique : demandez-nous ce que vous voulez savoir! Vous pouvez poser vos questions dès maintenant dans cette conversation!8.1KViews2likes13CommentsHelix Internet & Illico TV?
Is this possible? Could we split the coax cable and run it into the gateway and modem and then use the former for the internet and the latter for the TV? I ask because there are some limitations w/ Helix TV that are deal-breakers for me: Inability to record a TV program from when you started to watch it vs when you started recording it The delay between changing the channels I have confirmed that these issues are not present with Bell. Are there other limitations others have come across after using Helix for some time that they had wished they knew about before? It is also disappointing that there are not more apps (E.g. Plex)Solved754Views0likes1CommentHelix pods as wireless access points
Hello, I have the Helix internet with Videotron, and have the router (white model) and 2 Helix Pods (newer model). My house is wired with a switch and has ethernet jacks in most rooms, however, the router is in the basement and wifi does not extend to the rest of the house. All my wired devices are connected via the switch and ethernet jacks, but I'm trying to extend the wifi in my house. I'm using the wifi pods connected (wired) to the router via the switch and ethernet cords, so basically using the wifi pods as a wireless access point. I've read that this is unsupported, but it does actually work. From time to time. Today, everything stopped working. Luckily, restarting the gateway and unplugging/replugging the pods seemed to do the trick. My question is: - If this is going to stop working over and over, should I just purchase 2 wireless access points instead of using the helix pods in a way not intended? If so, what would you recommend as wireless access points? I'm hoping that the functionality would be the same as with the helix pods, that is to say that the devices can connect to the wifi network automatically, without switching names etc. Do wireless access points require a different name and therefore the device to switch wifi networks depending on what room I'm in? Thank you for clarifying all of this. (By the way, for me to put enough helix pods to reach the upstairs would require me to have a total of 4 to 5 of them so that's not ideal)647Views0likes1CommentHelix fi 2 gateway disconnecting periodically
Hi, I've noticed that every now and then my connection gets interrupted, and when I look at my Helix Fi 2 Gateway router I see it flashing either green or orange. It doesn't take too long for the connection to come back but it's extremely frustrating when I'm working on zoom or playing an online game. I've read that this means downstream or upstream synchronization or even firmware update. I'm wondering if there is a setting on the Helix fi 2 gateway to pause these events or a setting to schedule them to happen at specific times ex. between 4-7AM? Any answer would be greatly appreciated, thanks!18KViews1like9CommentsHelix Internet Videotron
Bonjour depuis quelques semaines Helix Internet Plante Souvent mais pas seulement moi mais aussi des voisins qui ont Hélix ou un service internet par cable ... tous en meme temps .... un point en commun le meme poteau et Diviseur Module Internet Vidéotron (Splitter) ont a bien sur redémarré notre équipements sans résultats ! Meme après un appel au support technique rien na été fait , un Chat avec support technique rien na été fait , je me demande pourquoi aucun suivit et aucune visite a ce poteau et diviseur de distribution ... déception totale.Solved5.3KViews0likes8Comments