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Helix internet with modem other than Helix Gateway?
Hi, I want to subscribe to helix 400mbit internet, which would of course require the purchase of a helix gateway. Helix gateway is basically the Arris/Technicolor XB6. Based on comments from XB6 users in the US (comcast) and Canada (rogers and shaw) i would rather use a modem other than the XB6. - with bridge mode on, MOCA doesn't work - with bridge mode on, wifi doesn't work.... for the user. The modem still broadcasts 4 hidden wifi networks that cannot be disabled (2 in 2.4ghz, 2 in 5ghz) that add to wifi congestion/interference. Some say this is needed for tv functionality, but I will never subscribe to the tv service, so why can't i turn it off? Question Is there any other type of modem that can be used with the Helix 400mbit service? Ideally I'd be looking for something that is modem only. Don't care if I need to buy it, I just need it to work.7 kVues0like1CommentaireHelix 400 avec autre modem que la borne helix?
Bonjour a tous, J'aimerais m'abonner au service internet Helix 400 mbit. Ca prend la borne Helix evidemment. Cependant suite a des commentaires des gens aux US (comcast) et en ontario (shaw et rogers) qui ont le meme modele de borne (en verite cest le arris / technicolor XB6), j'aimerais vraiment utiliser un modem quelconque hors que la borne helix. - En mode bridge, MOCA ne fonctionne pas - En mode bridge, wifi ne fonctionne pas... officiellement.... cependent meme si eteint le wifi est toujours actif mais pas accessible- il y a 4 reseaux caches. la borne congestionne la bande passante inutilement. Questions: - Est-ce qu'il existe une page admin cachee qui donnerait acces a plus d'options? - Est-ce que je peux acheter un modem qui n'a pas les fonctionnalites helix mais qui fonctionne avec l'internet helix? Honnetement la borne helix est vraiment decevante.Résolu5 kVues0like1Commentaire