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Saving a program to another medium, like my computer


I recorded a program (that I appear on!) on my Helix device and it is going to expire soon. My siblings live in different countries and I would like them to be able to see it. I have two questions:


1. How can I refresh a program so that it doesn't expire after a year, but I can keep it for longer?


2. How could I transfer a recorded program to another medium, like a computer file, so that I could send it to my siblings for viewing?


Thank you


Super utilisateur
Super utilisateur

You cannot for both questions.


Thanks for the answer. That is what I had feared.


I was thinking that I might be able to play the program on the Helix TV website on my computer and use video capture to record it. On a Mac there are a couple of different built-in possibilities for that, including using QuickTIme. But when I tried it, as soon as I initiated Video Record, the Helix TV window went black (the audio recorded, though!) Is this something that Helix does whenever someone tries to capture a recording? Or is there actually a way to do it?

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Moderator - Solution Expert



Unfortunately there's no option to preserve the recording and it is not possible to save, capture or record it on our online Helix platform using a screen recording software because of digital rights agreements we have with our broadcasters.