11 SujetsNo Voicemal
Greetings, I will be grateful for any helpful piece of advice on the following problem. I don't know when and how my voicemail stopped working. I can access it by listening for information about the lack of a message. However, callers have no signal and no greeting. Thus, they are not able to record any messages. Should call forwarding be enabled with forwarding to voicemail, its phone number? Thank you in advance. Moto G5 202448Vues0like2CommentairesEverything you need to know about voicemail
Here are a few things you probably didn’t know you could do with your voicemail service: Skip the PIN step You might see a small red circle, envelope or flashing number. Whatever the icon, it means the same thing: you’ve got a message. But what if you can’t listen to your messages because you’ve forgotten your personal identification number (PIN)? Hey, it happens to the best of us. But there’s also an easy way to prevent this from happening. How? Simply select the PIN Skip option to access your landline or cell phone’s voicemail. To activate the PIN Skip option, visit the Resetting or disabling your Voicemail PIN web page. Reset your PIN Since memory isn’t an issue for everyone, you can obviously choose to keep your PIN to access your voicemail. And if you ever want to change it, simply follow these easy reset instructions: Resetting the Voicemail access code. More helpful hints Discover other practical mobile voicemail features in the Support section of our website. We also explain how to use your residential line voicemail.4,1 kVues0like0CommentaireHow do you keep your precious voicemail messages?
If you’re like me, you’ve had voicemail messages from your loved ones saved in your mobile or home phone voicemail for some time. Unfortunately, voicemail is not like a safe, and sometimes these messages are deleted. If you want to protect your precious messages, there are solutions. I used a microphone connected to my computer and the Audacity app. I played the saved messages from my phone near the microphone to record them, then converted them into MP3 files that are now safe in my computer and its automatic backups. You can also do the same thing using two cell phones and an audio recording app, such as Smart Recorder or Recforge 2 on Android and Recorder Plus or Audioshare on iOS. Don’t dawdle too much and make these backups early this year to make sure you keep important messages from your loved ones! As for yourself, have you found another solution to keep your important voicemail messages?13 kVues2likes8Commentairescant turn off Conditional call forwarding
im missing jobs becurse of this, and im getting sick of it, it wont even turn off "always forward", i try ring 901, and it ends the call, its says its disabled but all it give me is a option to put in another number,i dont have another number,so i turn to you guys and nothing works, im at a stage where ive throw the phone against the wall its that bad,the (busy,unanswered,and unreachable can stay on thats fine,but come on let me get access to my mail,bring back the good old nokia 3310 i had no issuses what so ever,Résolu11 kVues0like5Commentaires