Forum Discussion

QueenE's avatar

Outage - CBS and NBC (maybe others)

What the heck is going on that these stations are off the air? What kind of technical problem could last this long?

  • It's not Videotron's fault. On Tuesday there was a fire on a transmission tower that damaged an antenna used by WCAX and WPTZ (see the article here). In this article on WCAX's website they say that they're getting temporary antennas tonight (Wednesday, Nov. 20) and will be going to the transmission tower tomorrow to assess the damage.

  • Having the same problem here, been about 24 hrs and my wife is mad because This Is Us didnt record.

  • It's not Videotron's fault. On Tuesday there was a fire on a transmission tower that damaged an antenna used by WCAX and WPTZ (see the article here). In this article on WCAX's website they say that they're getting temporary antennas tonight (Wednesday, Nov. 20) and will be going to the transmission tower tomorrow to assess the damage.

    • QueenE's avatar

      Was never finger pointing.  Just wondered what was going on when all I see on my screen is "We are currently having technical problems ...."

      Thanks for your reply. Now I know the cause.

    • Judie's avatar

      Thanks for the info.

      I thought the problem was solved but now I am getting the wrong program on those channels (not the program showing in the guide).