Forum Discussion
Port forwarding glitch
Hello, when i try to open a port on my new generation videotron router it doesn't seem to work. My problem happens after i fill out the port mapping information. After i select 'Apply', my configurat...
After many tests .....
Yes, incoming port 80 CAN BE UNLOCKED.
Here are the parameters to change with the Zyxel EMG2926:
1 - The firewall must be activated. (For NAT and the default server to work properly)
2 - All WPS must be disabled. (To disable the Upnp)
3 - The Upnp must be deactivated.
4 - In the 'DHCP Server' tab, you must reserve the server's local address.
5 - Under the 'NAT' tab, change the IP address of the default server for the server's local address.
6 - Under the tab 'firewall' = You must disable teardrop filtering.
7 - In the 'Content filter' tab, add the IP address of the local server as a recognized computer.
8 - In the tab 'Remote management' enable only from local network, and change the ports 443 and 80 to, for example, 50443 and 5080. The router would then be accessible at .
Perhaps a reboot of the router will then be necessary, depending of the order in which these settings are applied.
And there you go. Incoming port 80 open ! And several others also...
Happy coding !!