Forum Discussion

RBarbagallo's avatar

NAT Loopback on Zyxel EMG2926

I would like to enable NAT Loopback on my Videotron EMG2926 router. I've been through the manuals and cannot find the option. I use No-IP as my DDNS service. The issue is from outside my local LAN I am able to reach the service I need with When I try the same from inside my private LAN, I get service not available or not responding. It seems the ZYXEL is blocking the request. If I use the internal IP of the server like it works fine. I've done some research and believe NAT Loopback(aka Hairpinning, Reflection) is not enabled in the router. This is a pain as I will need 2 links on my laptop, one for remote access and one for local access. Does anyone know how to enable this? My last chat with Videotron led me to the manual on page 106..... Not very helpful. I pressed further and was told I would have to pay for advanced support.... Oh well....


Thanks for your help everyone.


  • Anonyme's avatar

    I don’t have a link... Zyxel probably don’t release the firmware since this router is sold to ISP directly only.

    but thst said, even if you find it, you won’t be able to install it yourself. 

  • Anonyme's avatar

    to my best of knowledge, nat loopback is not available on videotron's firmware. 

    It's available on the newest firmware from the manufacturer ... but videotron might not have updated their firmware yet to have this feature.

    That said, Videotron has been deploying a newer firmware in the last few days/weeks... this fimware might have nat loopback enabled... so check with support if you have the latest firmware. 

    • RBarbagallo's avatar
      Thank for the response. Would you have a link to the new firmware on the Zyxel site? I can’t seem to find it.

      • Anonyme's avatar

        I don’t have a link... Zyxel probably don’t release the firmware since this router is sold to ISP directly only.

        but thst said, even if you find it, you won’t be able to install it yourself. 

    • momacks's avatar
      Think About it, if the people who make modems and specialize in network security and connection no longer support the device what makes you think videotron can? Haveyou seen the support documents for connecting to the internet? It recommens win7 spyware link on top of windows 7 being a legacy system and no longer supported by microsoft or the