Blog Post


Discover Helix : Unboxing

MathieuRoy's avatar
Chroniqueur techno

I love new technologies (for better and sometimes for worse), so I was very eager to try Videotron’s Helix system.


I was at the Consumer Electronics Show (the big annual tech convention) a few years ago when the Helix project was just getting started. Consolidating all content (TV and Web) in one place with a single device to control everything is no small task.


That means cable, Netflix, YouTube and connected devices on top of that. The idea is to make it easier to switch between platforms and to streamline the user experience.  


Helix is now available from Videotron... and it works.


I was asked to try it out for a few weeks, so here are my observations and some feedback on the more interesting features.



Check out other articles by our technology correspondent Mathieu Roy.

Updated 09-20-2024
Version 3.0
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