6 TopicsConcours Samsung Galaxy Note8: et les gagnants sont...
Bravo àkkspike et jdbelcourt: vous êtes les heureux gagnants du Samsung Galaxy Note8! Vos commentaires ont été tirés au sort parmi une sélection des plus pertinents. Merci de nous avoir donné autant de détails, nous sommes sûrs que vous ferez une belle utilisation de votre nouveau cellulaire! Merci à tous pour votre participation et n'oubliez pas: les meilleurs contributeurs au forum sont régulièrement récompensés... Alors n'hésitez pas à participer !14KViews3likes13CommentsOur impressions on the Samsung Galaxy Note 8 on video!
Mathieu and I have been using the Samsung Galaxy Note8 as our daily driver for a few months. We both like it but for different reasons, so we decided to compare notes (pun intended) in this video. If you have a Note8, let us know what you think! Vincent Quigley Your Community Manager4.2KViews0likes1CommentNos impressions sur le Samsung Galaxy Note 8 en vidéo!
Voilà déjà quelques mois que Mathieu et moi utilisons le Samsung Galaxy Note8 au quotidien. Comme on l'aime beaucoup, pour des raisons parfois différentes, on a décidé de se prendre au jeu des questions "Tac O Tac" le temps de ce vidéo qui fait le tour de nos impressions sur l'appareil. Vous avez aussi le Note8? N'hésitez pas à nous partager votre expérience!4KViews3likes1CommentGalaxy Note8 Smart Focus
Hi, this is for any of you with the Note8. Now that the device have officially a month in the market, can you tell us your impressions? Battery life, overall performance, sPen, dual camera, etc. I read somewhere that the dual focus feature is not as nice as all the hype had made us believe. I will like to know how it compares to the portrait mode of Apple and how well that dual OIS is working out for the Note8. In your opinion does the Note8 is worth getting over the S8+ specially when considering the price hyke between them compared to the features. Thanks in advance5.5KViews0likes1CommentSamsung Galaxy Note8 contest: and the winners are...
Congratulationsjdbelcourt and kkspike: you are the winners of our Samsung Galaxy Note8 contest! Your comments have been randomly selected through a selection of the most relevant ones. Thanks for giving us so many details, we are sure you will have a lot of fun using your new phone! Thank you to everyone who participated and don't forget: best contributors are regularly rewarded on the forum... So do not hesitate to participate !6KViews0likes0CommentsWin a Samsung Galaxy Note8!
... We’re giving away two of them, but to have a chance to win you need to explain why the Note8 is the device for you. You have until september 30th to tell us what grabs you about the Galaxy Note8! Full Contest rules here: