15 TopicsWhere can I find a list of upcoming 4K events that will air on the 4K channel (910) ?
I'd like to know where I could find the list of all upcoming events that will air in 4K (UHD) on the 4K UHD channel 910? I love my UHD terminal and being able to watch 4K content on the 910 channel :)Solved13KViews1like7CommentsNew Illico recordings are not properly sorted by date
I'm an Illico subscriber with the Samsung GX-VD940CJ PVR. Since December 4, I've been having a problem with the sorting of new recordings by date. Specifically, all new recordings are placed at the bottom of the list of recordings instead of at the top (i.e. they are considered "older" than anything else I've recorded previously, going back several years). For series episodes that are grouped together in the recordings list, new episodes are similarly placed at the bottom. Only items that were recorded since December 4 are properly sorted in the list, albeit at the bottom (for example, a December 11 recording will appear before a December 5 recording, but both are at the very end of the list). I know that recorded items store their full recording date (including year) internally, even though only the month and day are displayed in the recordings list. So it's likely that, since December 4 at least, the incorrect YEAR is being stored with my recorded items, resulting in the screwed-up date orders. I've already tried rebooting the PVR by unplugging it for 60 seconds, which did not fix anything. If the issue is only on my side, is there something I can do, apart from factory-resetting the PVR and losing dozens of saved recordings, which I do *NOT* want to do? Is it possible that something was accidentally changed on Videotron's side, where new recordings are given a default year of "1969" for example?1.8KViews0likes2CommentsSignal HD ou 4K?
Je suis passé chez ma belle-mère tantôt. Elle a une belle nouvelle télé 4K, toutefois je constate que la qualité vidéo des postes qui entrent par Helix n'est pas 4K. Si le signal était 4K, quand on navigue le menu verrait-on un icône "4K" plutôt que l'icône "HD"? Qu'est-ce que l'installateur a fait d'incorrect? Qu'est-ce que je devrais vérifier lors de ma prochaine visite chez elle? * Est-ce normal que la borne hélix TV soit détecté comme un "PC" par la télé? * Est-ce que le cable HDMI importe? aurait-il branché avec un vieux câble qui ne supporte pas 4K? * Y-a-t'il différents ports sur le terminal télé de helix? * Y-a-t'il une configuration à changer pour activer le signal 4K? Merci pour vos conseils !5.1KViews0likes3CommentsHandshake problem?
Hoping you folks can figure out this annoying problem. Brand new Samsung QLED TV (Q90A) connected directly to the Illico Samsung 4K PVR via HDMI (I've switched 3 cables, problem persists) This doesn't happen all the time but on cold boot (say, in the morning), there will either be no sound, other times no image no sound and other days all is good with image and sound. When there is no image I still get the info below: The only way to fix this is to reboot the terminal and connect/reconnect the cable. The same happens on the TV's other 3 HDMI ports. If I connect the terminal to my little 19"in Samsung, never a problem and the same when it was connected to the old Samsung plasma. Thanks in advance for any possible leads to solve this problem.Solved4.8KViews0likes3CommentsSamsung 4k et pas de son
À l’attention du support technique Vidéotron SVP. Il ya quelques semaines j’ai changé ma télé pour une Samsung 4k 2021 et depuis à plusieurs reprises je n’ai pas d’image et pas de son au démarrage. Pour rectifier la situation je dois peser 5 secondes sur le bouton d’alimentation de l’enregistreur Illico 4K Ultra HD. Parfois je retrouve et l’image et le son. D’autre fois l’image seulement, alors pour obtenir le son je vais sur l’enregistreur section menu et je change le son de terminal à tv puis je reviens tout de suite à terminal. Je ferme le menu de l’enregistreur et le son reviens. D’autres fois je dois débrancher l’alimentation 10 à 15 secondes de l’enregistreur et après son reboot tout redeviens normal. La télé fonctionne parfaitement sur Internet et elle se branche automatiquement à l’entrée HDMI du signal du câble Vidéotron. Lors d’un appel au support techno, le représentant m’a demandé de changer de câble HDMI, ce que j’ai fais mais par la suite même problème. J’utilisais le terminal 4K Illico sans problème depuis 3 ans avant le changement de télé. J’attends des explications et recommandations du support technique.Solved6.5KViews0likes2Comments4k et appli tv
Bonjour, Lorsque j'ai pris mon abonnement, 2 agents différents mon confirmer que si une chaîne télé était disponible en 4k, que je pouvais la diffuser avec lappli helix TV à condition que mon Chromecast et que la télé soit en 4k,ce qui est mon cas. Pourtant, suite à mon installation aujourd'hui, je vois bien que ce n'est pas du 4k... 720p ou 1080p MAX. J'aimerais donc connaître les chaînes qui offre le 4k afin que je puisse en profiter. Merci!2.9KViews0likes1CommentA little disappointed with my new Samsung 4K PVR
After playing with my new Samsung 4K PVR for several days, I decided to make notes. First, the good. This is a real nice piece of hardware. The video is excellent. The menus are sharp and fast. The response to any remote command seems instant. The guide is nice and the transport keys are very accurate. Even the recording capacity is fine and being able to record 8 channels at a time is great. But hardware is only as good as the software controlling it. Now, the bad. The firmware I am referring to is version As far as PVRs go, I have tried many. Bell Satellite, TiVo, Starchoice, DTV, Channel Master Plus, Microsoft Ultimate TV and many more. They all have pluses and minuses and none are perfect. Here is a list of issues I have with the Videotron 4K PVR. 1 - Missing. When creating a new program to record, the option of recording only new episodes and not repeat episodes is not available. Because of this, the pvr records old episodes that I have already seen. Sometimes, the pvr records multiple copies of the same show. Restricting the frequency option makes it no better than a manual timer. 2 - Missing. The ability to see recording when the program is not in the Upcoming recordings list. This means I cannot delete a timer to a program that no longer airs. 3 - Missing. Show names in the List of Recorded Programs when there is only 1 show. They appear when there multiple shows in a folder. 4 - Guide. Inconsistent names. Some series show the Season # while some don't. 5 - Guide. After setting the Channel Filter to Favorite, after a while it jumps back to All Channels by itself. 6 - Guide. Sometimes when a program doesn't end or start on the hour or half hour, the yellow box jumps around back and forth and I can't select it. 7 - Bug. When forwarding in 4X, pressing the jump forward several times results in the picture freezing. The rest of my issues are with programming options. No English weather channel in the Basic Package. BBC Canada not in HD while Skynews is. Under certain circumstances paying twice for channels. And not being able to buy Superstations 1 at a time.Solved21KViews1like20CommentsDifferences entre enregistreur 4K de Samsung et Technicolor
Bonjour, J'ai recemment demandé d'échanger mon terminal 4k avec un enregistreur 4k et on me l'a livré aujourd'hui. Par contre dans le site web de videotron l'enregistreur 4k est de marque Samsung et pas Technicolor. Je suis allé a un magasin Videotron pour rentrer mon ancien terminal et l'enregistreur 4k chez eux était de marque Samsung aussi. (Et aussi je crois que le terminal Samsung est plus petit que Technicolor) Je me demande s'il y a des différences entre l'enregistreur de Technicolor et de Samsung. Merci.13KViews0likes6Comments