Forum Discussion
Deleting Voicemails
Has anyone else noticed that you can only delete a voicemail once the entire voicemail message has been played? This is rather annoying and unlike any functionality that I've ever seen before.
I am able to save the voicemail midway through the message, but no number or frequency of times pressing 7 during a voicemail will allow me to delete the message before it plays in its entirety.
Please, pretty please fix this or tell me what I'm doing wrong.
Equipment: iPhone 7
Hi Husband,
You should normally be able to tap 7 twice quickly to delete the voicemail as it's playing.
Have you tried it?
Vincent Quigley
Your Community Manager
- ExpertConseilRédacteur Web
Hi Husband,
You should normally be able to tap 7 twice quickly to delete the voicemail as it's playing.
Have you tried it?
Vincent Quigley
Your Community Manager
- HusbandInitiate
My hero!
That works. THANK YOU!