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wifi configuration
Hi folks, my wifi gateway page in my browser no longer allows me to manage my wifi configuration. It says
" Wi-Fi Mode, Security Mode, Channel Selection, Channel Mode, and Channel Bandwidth are being managed automatically to help optimize your home Wi-Fi network and improve Wi-Fi coverage. To edit your Wi-Fi Network Name & Network password, please download the Videotron Helix Fi app or visit helixfi.videotron.com . "
I tried adding a screenshot of this message for clarity but was getting a permission denied error upon uploading an image from my pc.
How can i change this to allow me to configure my wifi network manually? I don't want it to be configured automatically and scouring the help information and forums has led me to very little info. This was not the case when i last checked a few months ago.
Thank you.
14 Réponses
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- potemaInitiate
oh so being able to manage it myself is a feature that's just been straight up removed? that seems very weird to me.
- manskiloInitiate
Yes, this is a must, Bell does it and if nothing changes I will be going back to them...
- PatrickMModerator - Solution Expert
Hi potema,
If you receive this notice, this means the Helix Fi gateway has been upgraded with software that manages advanced WiFi settings automatically to help optimize your home network and provide the best performance possible. Advanced WiFi settings for gateways with this software enhancement cannot be managed from the Web admin tool or Helix Fi app. We will however forward your comment to the team that compiles requests for improvement of our services.
- manskiloInitiate
Yes, it would be important to many to be able to tweak our wifi as needed, can you please remove this blockage?
- manskiloInitiate
There should be a way for power-users who know what they are doing to allow this access. For +90% of the population restricting the Internet settings is not a problem and should be the default.
Hi, Since my soundbar is interfering with my wifi I have been using the channel setting of Helix router to avoid this. However it is not possible anymore so we have poor wifi at home. That is an issue that would force us to use Bell service instead.
Fix this ASAP
- RogingatInitiate
I have a problem with a device that keeps dropping off the Wifi network. The user groups all say that the problem can only be solved by changing channel on the router. Of course I can't do this on the Helix gateway as discussed above. I have many strong signals on channel 11 from my neighbors but I am stuck with it!
potema wrote:Hi folks, my wifi gateway page in my browser no longer allows me to manage my wifi configuration. It says
" Wi-Fi Mode, Security Mode, Channel Selection, Channel Mode, and Channel Bandwidth are being managed automatically to help optimize your home Wi-Fi network and improve Wi-Fi coverage. To edit your Wi-Fi Network Name & Network password, please download the Videotron Helix Fi app or visit helixfi.videotron.com . "
I tried adding a screenshot of this message for clarity but was getting a permission denied error upon uploading an image from my pc.
How can i change this to allow me to configure my wifi network manually? I don't want it to be configured automatically and scouring the help information and forums has led me to very little info. This was not the case when i last checked a few months ago.
Thank you.
To regain manual control over your Wi-Fi network configuration, you can download the videotron Helix Fi app mentioned in the message. Once you have the app installed on your mobile device, you should be able to access and manage your Wi-Fi settings, include the network name and password. The app is designed to provide a user-friendly interface for configuring your Wi-Fi network, giving you the flexibility to make changes according to your preferences. By using the app, you can bypass the limitation of the web interface on your browser and have direct control over your Wi-Fi network settings.
- rlasanteInitiate
fake news
- aqkChevalier
I have DLed the Helix-Fi app onto my Android phone (Android-11 on a Redmi Note-8 Pro, 6 gig) but the app shows mostly white pages with PALE grey text on some boxes. Other boxes are blank- perhaps the text on them is white also!
Sometimes a "box" in this app will have a picture on it, -e.g., a smiling "secure" family obviously this is the Parental setup - I'm not interested in this!Another box has a picture of a device. Clicking this, I get an ad to buy some small Videotron mesh devices. Again, I'm not interested. Do you find this text hard to read? I DO!
I have yet to find any box with any "user-friendly" text in it. HELP!
One of the worst apps I have ever installed.
- aqkChevalier
Currently the Helix-F1 Andoid app has the following sections-
Share your Wi-Fi
Test your connection
Restart your Gateway
Parental Control, Healthy, etc
Get 24/7 Help
Secure your Network
Helix TV app, your best ally...yada,yada..
I see no section in it about Wi-Fi or Ethernet Configuration.
I just noticed that the text is a bit more legible now! Strangely this just happened now! The "all-white" boxes that I have been seeing the past five days has been corrected!20 minutes later-
No, wait! The boxes on the app are all WHITE AGAIN!
This app appears to be "a work in progress"
---- Helix-fi version 5.8.020230920042853 ----