3 SujetsHow to setup different password for guest profile?
If you read article in the search result for “how to secure your wifi” it talks about having a separate password for your guest profile. Which can be used for IoT devices or create a separate network for such devices, keeping it separate from your secure devices like phones/computers. So that even if someone uses the IoT device to hack the network, your sensitive devices cannot be accessed. How do I create a separate network on helix fi? I read it gives an option to create diff password for 2.5 & 5GHz bands but that work around can impair device connectivity.4,9 kVues0like1CommentaireInformation for the WPA2 KRACK Flaw and Videotron's Zyxel router
According to Zyxel: The only routers affected are those with the 802.11r Fast-BSS Transition (FT) handshake feature. Those are models NWA5301-NJ, NWA5123-AC, WAC6103D-I and WAC6500 series. If you have one of those models, you will have to wait for February 2018 for a fix. You can also turn off that feature (see link above) to prevent been affected by the flaw. Videotron's latest router is actually Zyxel's EMG2926 and is not in the list. Zyxel's position on this is that those models not included are not affected: "For products not listed, they are not affected to the attacks either because they are not designed to act as WiFi clients, do not support 802.11r Fast-BSS Transition handshake, or do not support peer-key handshake by default." That should clear it up.4,7 kVues2likes0Commentaire