ContributionsLes plus récentesLes plus appréciéesSolutionsRe: can't access Guy change you dns to the google one the videotron one is not working properly Re: still can't access MarcinRak changing dns to fixed the issue Vidéotron is useless thank you sir Re: can't access Same here send the info to your IT team instead of wasting our time . Re: still can't access What about sending the info to the IT team a lot page doesn't load correctly already rebooted my helix modem . It's on all my computers ! But if i use my 5g connection everything works just fine. It's been 2 weeks already. Re: can't access Same here bing won't load correctly on all my computer but when i switch to 5g everything is fine fix your ish Vidéotron. And it's not only bing a lot of page won't load. I already rebooted my helix modem . It's on your side .