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Re: Activation de sous-titrage en appuyant deux fois sur la touche B Helix
While subtitles show a text version of the dialogues of characters as they appear In some TV it's as simple as pressing the CC button on your remote control, a row of buttons with the letters A, B, C, and D on the remote and press the letter A On your remote control press the Menu button twice to access3,4 kVues0like0CommentaireRe: Activation de sous-titrage en appuyant deux fois sur la touche B Helix
Whilesubtitles showa text version of the dialogues of characters as they appear In someTVit's as simple aspressingtheCC buttonon your remote control, a row ofbuttonswith the letters A,B, C, and D on the remote andpressthe letter A On your remote controlpressthe Menubutton twiceto access3,4 kVues0like0Commentaire