Forum Discussion

Neer's avatar

Borne helix perd connexion chaque nuit

J'ai helix internet et tv depuis mardi. Ca fait 2 matin qie je constate que la borne perd sa connexion a internet durant la nuit. Je dois débrancher rebrancher l'alimentation de la borne quotidiennement pour rétablir internet. Helix en mode bridge j'ai un routeur perso , switch manageable et Access Point wifi ubiquity. Est ce que daitres ont ce problème?
  • Neer's avatar
    Found the issue. I had an illico decoder before helix. So my main coax cable had a splitter to feed previous gen cable modem and illicp decoder. With illico decoder removed there was an unonnected end to the splitter, imagine an opened water faucet for analogy. So i removed the 2 way splitter and put on n a barrel connector to connect the coax directly and only to the helix gateway. No connection drop since

  • Neer  a écrit :
    J'ai helix internet et tv depuis mardi. Ca fait 2 matin qie je constate que la borne perd sa connexion a internet durant la nuit. Je dois débrancher rebrancher l'alimentation de la borne quotidiennement pour rétablir internet. Helix en mode bridge j'ai un routeur perso , switch manageable et Access Point wifi ubiquity. Est ce que daitres ont ce problème?

    Did you have a fix on this issue? I have the same problem with Facing same issue but no response from anyone and couldnt find this topic troubleshooting in google.

    • Neer's avatar
      Found the issue. I had an illico decoder before helix. So my main coax cable had a splitter to feed previous gen cable modem and illicp decoder. With illico decoder removed there was an unonnected end to the splitter, imagine an opened water faucet for analogy. So i removed the 2 way splitter and put on n a barrel connector to connect the coax directly and only to the helix gateway. No connection drop since
  • Among the many possible causes is wireless interference. You might be using many wireless devices at night like baby monitors and garage door openers which are making the signal drop. Remember, wireless interference can also come from closely neighboring houses. Make sure that your Helix Fi gateway is properly plugged into the power outlet and that the coaxial cable is plugged into your wall outlet and your devices. 

  • Ça m'arrive, mais c'est très rare, de ne plus avoir d'internet le matin. Je suis en Bridge également.

    Un reset du routeur ça règle mon problème.